[hider=Malice Hardt]Name: Malice Hardt Age: 25 Guild: Pirate Lord Magic: (A Rank)Manipulation Magic- With the ring on her hand she is able to manipulate creatures with a pulse. She cannot manipulate humans however. She is able to manipulate pretty much any form of animal monster mythical creature, just with a catch. The bigger the creature, the more magic she need to exert to control it properly. (B rank)Requip Magic- While she may have requip magic, she has only two weapons at her disposal. The sword in her picture and another which she has kept secret, but states it for emergencies only. Anubis’s Bane: The sword in her picture is what she calls the weapon. It has dark magic properties and she is able to cover the blade in a black mist. Although the black mist only seems to suck little bits of magical energy from the target and uses it to replenish the user. It only works though if she gets near the target, yet using this technique uses up its own fair amount of magical energy so she would need to stay up close for quite a while to be able to gain any magical energy back. Flesh Smithing: Able to expand her body parts, grow body parts, if she can contort her body to do so then that's what this magic enables. Granting her more physical power as an added bonus, she can grow mouths wherever she wants on her body and could quite literally kiss you with her ass. However she has only achieved this magic due to unnatural means. As Nero granted her wish and gave her this power, making her a rare case in wizards with having three types of magic at once. Now this was during the games so her aptitude at using it is still really new. This doesn't come without drawbacks though, while its not affecting her, the magic grew in an extra set of teeth. So when she grins with devious intentions her natural teeth and her new sharp teeth show, as her grin is like the Chesire cats. Magic Level: A rank History: She grew up beside Zephyr but unlike him, she gained her magic after he did. So when she found out he gained magic while she was normal, it kind of pissed her off. She was the oldest and was suppose to be better than her sibling in every way possible. However she showed none of this greedy attitude and instead put on the act of being proud of her sibling. She also resisted showing anger when him getting magic got them to move out and into the big city of Magnolia. It was here a few years later when she got the ring and gained her own magic of manipulation, and of course the first thing she tried it on was her brother which didn’t work. In fact she tried it on multiple people and it wouldn’t work. So she tried it on a bunny….. it worked. She was annoyed at that moment that her stupid magic could only control animals, but like a sly little snake she then realized that meant she could possibly control something more dangerous than a bunny. Like a bear, or one of those giants animals that so happen to exist. So of course she tried this magic on multiple animals including those giant animals, with it working every single time. As she aged she got more creative with it, she could unleash armies of animals upon people, armies of fucking bears!! What became even better was one day when she was stumbling around the woods with her bear squadron, she came across a cave with a man in it. He had this fancy sword which he had drawn probably because she had an army of bears behind her. But she didn’t like the fact he instantly drew on her and ordered the twenty bears to kind of tear him limb from limb. While he probably would have won against one or two, hell maybe three. He didnt fare well against twenty. Yet the man knowing death was guaranteed, did a full charge through the bears and rushed at the female. The bears clawed at the man as he charged and gave chase to him, and the last thing he did was swing the blade at her, which in her shock caused her to luckily stumble back for the sword to only the right side of her head but cut her eye as well. The bears then caught the man and pulled him back into their murder pit. So when the man was dead from the bears onslaught, she went over to the sword and picked it up. Since she was already exerting magical energy because of the manipulation, the blade became shrouded in a black mist. Upon seeing this she laughed quite darkly as she covered the right side of her face with her palm to slow the bleeding. She then sent the sword to the magical dimension pocket and ordered the bears to stay put while she returned to town and went to a doctor to stop the bleeding of her eye. But ever since that day she knew she was going down a dark path and frankly as long as she was winning, she didn’t care one bit. Personality: Unlike her brother, she is far from carefree and laid back. She isn’t a sweetheart, although she will pretend to be one. She is the polar opposite of her brother Zephyr in every aspect. Sure she will put on a believable act to make you think she is like him, but this not the case. Only thing she might share with her brother is her stubborn attitude when it comes to fighting. Team Members: None at the moment Three Strengths: 1. Could have many assets in battle 2. Is an amazing actor 3. Does not quit from anything Three Weaknesses: 1. Can be caught off guard due to her eyesight 2. Fear sets in when her tricks fail 3. Zephyr, she is always too nervous when around him. Greatest Love: Winning at everything Motivation: To become one of the wizard saints Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/1qq3HOo.jpg?1[/img] Additional Details: Wears that fancy mask due to being blind in her right eye. Theme:[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPeWGXE1U2Q&list=PL0vii0fs82YEHGue8tltcAlVmS9C_Tj5a&index=38] King of the World[/url][/hider]