“Oh! I apologize” Saira laughed, pausing as she was about to lift another treat into her mouth, “I was in such a rush to get here, I didn’t think of my own stomach until I saw this glorious buffet in front of me!” While the food was certainly tempting her, she would at least try to refrain for the time being. Inside, she poured herself a hot cup of, well, whatever was in the teapot she had picked up. Sniffing lightly at it, she couldn’t exactly distinguish what it was, exactly. After all, her parents had never taken the time to instill such an ability in her. But, it was tea, and that was good enough for her. In the middle of taking a long sip of tea, Saira had suddenly realized she had, indeed, been introduced by Kettle. She broke down in a fit of coughing as the tea went down the wrong pipe. “S-sorry, sorry,” she said sheepishly once the coughing had stopped, “Terribly rude of me not to acknowledge everyone else, it’s wonderful to meet you all, strangers and previous acquaintances alike.” Deciding that was enough tea for [i]quite[/i] a while, she set the teacup down, marking it as hers by placing her old lute beside it. In the entire room, Saira only really recognized three people, and in all honesty, she hadn’t seen any of them in a fairly long time. In fact, she doubted if they would recognize her at all. But she shrugged that off, even if they did not recognize her, it would be nice to have someone to talk to. Especially after those few days of wandering alone in the desert, and the marsh, all that good stuff. She trusted the others enough to not to mess with her prized possessions, it wouldn't be of much value to anyone else. The old thing was battered from years and years of use, not to mention her initials carved into the place where the neck and body met. Instead, she ventured away from the table to make conversation, and ventured to join a conversation. As she looked away, she caught the eyes of another guest of Kettle’s, who seemed to be staring right past her at the food at the table. “Hello there,” she greeted, approaching the man with a small wave before extending her hand in greeting, “I’m Saira, nice to meet you, and may I assure you, the food is absolutely divine.”