[Ryika & Lauren] Placing a hand on Ryika's shoulder, Lauren shuffled past and went up to her room. "Go on and get some food at the cafeteria. I'll catch up to you later okay!?"[i]Yeah right... It's time for some peace and quiet.[/i] "Okay! I'll be sure to save you a seat there!" Ryika cheerfully replied as the pair separated. ------------ [Ryika] A confused Ryika emerged from the dorm building, unsure of what to do. Her precious notebook had been stashed away in her room with Lauren, leaving her with nothing to reference. She headed to the main building, assuming that the cafeteria would be inside, or at least someone who could tell her where. The path between the dormitories and the main building was dotted with small groups of students nervously chatting among themselves, many bandaged up in various places. Ryika avoided bumping into students wandering around, who were eyeing the other groups of students as if they were looking for a place to fit into, as to avoid being dragged into a relation she didn't want or need. She continued along the short path to the main building from the dormitories and ended up in the lobby. After a brief scan of the room she spotted a sign pointing towards the cafeteria, where many other students were convening. Nearly all the students she passed by were discussing the words that they had chosen, showing off where the word had been imprinted on their skin. Lacking any desire to eat without her friend, Ryika meandered around the room, searching for a place that they could both sit at. She settled on a near empty table populated only by a pair of girls sitting together at the end. The girl in the hoodie seemed to be in slight distress while the other was seemingly satisfied by something that had occurred previously. [i]These two seem normal. Time to make friends.[/i] "Hello~! I'm Ryika. Can me and my friend sit with you two?"