[h2]Izayoi City - [color=crimson]Xander Johannes[/color][/h2] TIME: 11:16 AM DATE: August 18th SEASON: Summer - Holidays in effect The apartment was mostly just cozy in that there wasn't an abundance of space. That alone was fine, because Xander certainly hadn't an abundance of items to put in places. He wasn't even going to need the bookshelf, what with the Digital Age taking up all the information one might ever need, as long as you knew where to look. Strictly speaking, the only important things Xander brought along was the computer and a few changes of clothes; anything else, he could buy locally. "I just don't [i]get[/i] you, man. I mean, with a guy like you, I'd figure you wouldn't let yourself be so... [i]simple[/i]." The phone was set to speaker, and the person on the other side was in no hesitation to dispense his opinions. [color=crimson][b]"What are you even worried about? What I have gets me by perfectly,"[/b][/color] Xander replied, a rare occurrence reserved for when he was starting to get annoyed with the topic of conversation. "[i]You[/i] deserve better, though. I'm talking about [i]you[/i], here." [color=crimson][b]"So am I."[/b][/color] "Really? So you think beating people up for money is gonna fulfill your life's wishes?" [color=crimson][b]"See, the thing is, you're right. You really [i]don't[/i] get me."[/b][/color] With a punch of his finger, Xander ended the call. Yes, it was true that in recent times, he had taken to competing in fighting rings to earn himself a bit of side money outside of an actual job. It wasn't even questionably legal stuff, just comparable to a rookie boxing league. Yes, it had gambling behind it, but really, what sport didn't have that to any degree? Ultimately, though, the whole point of coming here was for Xander to get involved in something different. Surely, this city would have any number of opportunities for Xander to find. Also, power drinks. If most every day was as hot as this, he was going to have to stock up on some of those. Maybe there was a big-name store around that sold them in bulk. With the time approaching noon, it probably wasn't the best time to go out, due to the crowds, but Xander didn't care enough about that. He doubted someone built like a muscle car was at any real risk of harm, even on a day like this.