A friend gave me his MewTwo code for 3DS as a gift since he for some reason chose to use another friend's code instead of his own~ X3 I'm grateful, but I don't really use him, even if he's gewd~ He's nice to fight against to try to get better, though~ Oh, yesterday I remembered an old Harry Potter PlayStation game I had as a kid, and wanted to watch a Let's Play of it~ Some of the search results said Sorcerer's Stone~ EDIT: [hider=What did they DO to him~?!?!?! Q///o///Q][img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/22a857e4df98fc4660a32cd73dbcea60/tumblr_nq1uu1XVJz1sqeth3o1_1280.png[/img][/hider]