[b]Fourth floor, landing[/b] Ryan Monroe stood, his hand just reaching out for the door handle of his apartments door when he froze, he'd hear gunshots going of a few floors below. [i]Maybe it'd just be safer to hide out in here. I could survive in here...[/i] He heard muffled voices through his door, someone was on the landing. Had the infected broken past the barricades? That would certainly explain the gunshots. He clutched the hammer, found in the toolbox under the sink in his right hand tightly until his knuckles were white. Survival or morality? The .38 revolver and loaded with 6 shots, stuffed down the back of his jeans but covered out of sight by his jacket gave him some comfort about going out there into who knew what. [i] Fuck it, i have to help somehow[/i] Placing his room key into the lock and twisting it once more, he opened the door cautiously inch by inch until he was sure nothing was on the landing with him, nothing that could cause harm anyway. He saw a bright light shinning from above on the stairwell, someone with a torch? but his attention was drawn to the source of light across the landing, looked like a headlamp or something? Swiftly closing the door behind him and locking it, he slipped the key into his breast pocket before turning and looking at the source of light more closely. "Hello? who's that?" He could only see so much with the light from the headlamp shinning at him now, but he could make out the outline of two men, he also noticed the door to, what's his name? John, that's it. Anyway, John's apartment door was open but he couldn't see much inside and to be honest he didn't want to. "What are you two doing? We should get down there and help" He was going down regardless, but if these two came with then maybe they'd have more of a chance.