[hider=survey] 1. How have I been doing so far in this RP's management? Is there something you'd like to see more of, less of, revisit, revise? [right]Everything's cool man. All works like well oiled machine, even handling dropouts/new people. Frankly I am quite amazed =)[/right] 2. What character have you enjoyed reading the most, and why? [right]Emerald. You'll see why soon enough :lol She's just so friggin lovable![/right] 3. What character, based upon the sheet and his or her IC behavior, would best fit into the actual RWBY show if given the chance? [right]Imma say Oswald, purely because he doesn't stick out like a sore thumb on any scale. Joe Average is generally the most believable and with the biggest potential to develop. The only downside is that sometimes he's hard to notice - kinda like Ren form the canons.[/right] 4. What single event would you most look forward to happening in the course of this RP? Things such as a tournament arc, a school dance, etc? [right]The bloody main bad guy reveal! :lol[/right] 5. If all teams were to have a massive, Hunger Games-esque fight, which would come out on top, and why? [right]Pffff, need you ask? TANKMEN.[/right] 6. What do you think of this system of contests and challenges? Anything you would change? [right]Make less of them/nerf credit rewards, and award more credits for IC related stuff. Promote more activity in the RP itself, not spawning multitude of AUs =D[/right] 7. What sort of circumstance would aid you in revealing your character's backstory in a warranted, thought-out fashion? [right]Probably a situation where Diamond's unique skillset would be needed to achieve something really major, something worth going to prison/living her life on the run to do.[/right] 8. Do you have a favorite ship? If so, who? [right][hider=Spoiler]It ain't official yet, but heck, Diamond x Emmy.[/hider][/right] 9. Finally, what do you picture your character doing or being in twenty years, provided that he or she graduates Beacon? [right]IF she's still up to it physically, then still hunting, if not, settling down and retiring, probably owning a bar or a pub. Unless something really terrible pushed her back to the life of crime, but I don't see that happening.[/right] [/hider]