Mike smiled at her and said "I'm great, Just had my first trainer battle like you saw and Archer getting stronger quite quickly after all that work we did before the Pokémon Journey started, Oh that reminds me here", He gave her 5 pokeballs to catch pokemon with as he said "Use those to catch Pokémon you want cause I doubt we will get far with just one Pokémon" Samuel nodded to her as he said "That is a later plan for it, but for now we are just learning more about the Pokémon and building up our forces before we do something big". His Greninja nodded agreeing with him. (Want to speed up Samuel and Julia relationship?) Luperca groaned a little as her mate nudged her as she looked around the Sioja ruins as she smiled at her mate and nuzzled him back. "Hello baby, how are you?" She asked him.