Finn eyes crackled fiercely with Electricity and was on the verge of casting a Phantasmal Force spell when Nicotine left in her smoke form and only he and Fen were remaining. He was about ask if Fen was alright when Impulse entered the room floating apparently. She asked an obvious question, of course they were superhumans since it was quite clear by their non-ordinary looking choice of clothing. "Yes we are the superhumans, just call me Capricorn. I'm your team's sorcerer" he said to the hyperactive woman. This team was getting weird and it looked like they were dealing with a lot of potentially dangerous personalities. When Fen left without saying a word, Finn knew that the telepath was pissed and decided to not follow him. It was barely a day and they were already possibly at each others' throats. Capricorn rubbed his temples and then looked at Impulse with his almost inhuman green eyes. "Sorry about our teammate, we had little complication with another team member. So what can you do?" he asked as a spark of electricity flashed from his eyes.