[b]Animatronic Name & Victim Name:[/b] Golden Freddy "Roy Beckham" [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/300/8/b/fnaf_s___golden_freddy___welcom_to_fnaf_s_2_by_allencrist-d84bg99.png[/img] [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Class:[/b] Nightmare [b]Powers:[/b] Golden Freddy is notorious for teleporting in and out of battle, sometimes disappearing for ranging for a few seconds to several minutes at a time. And while looking weak, he can also levitate people off the ground for short periods of times, though only one person at a time. His most infamous attack is his ability to cause literal heart attacks by scaring right into the faces of his opponents. Most of them would die right after their heart stopped. [b]Personality:[/b] Mysterious, broken, and mentally unstable, Golden Freddy is one of the most dangerous of all the Animatronics. While looking weak and defenseless at first, to the point where he will usually runaway, his attacks are lightning quick and most devastating. He is also usually solitary, often hiding in places where no one will see him. [b]History:[/b] (Coming soon) [b]Theme:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhJGXzOE5fQ[/youtube]