"[color=00a651]They will be here...[/color]" Koji fell silent shortly after speaking. It was obvious that this man wanted his solitude, and the samurai was to happy to give it to him. Ether it was his demeanor or visage, but nothing seemed right about this one. Yet he was a comrade... For now, so Koji would cause no problem. Yet he paused a moment, eyeing over the man "[color=39b54a]Amatuers? Are allies. Must watch over.[/color]" All the while he tried to force the words form his mouth, he understood that some seemed new to combat, but there were some that seemed to be able to carry their own weight. Shaking his head rather dismissively, Koji would sit down against the walls of the city, drawing his rather large blade form it's sheathe on his back. It was then that Koji began to polish the blade with a cloth from his satchel, shuffling about the potions and other items within. He'd continue this until the others arrived, all the while offering no words to the bandaged man.