[img]http://pre02.deviantart.net/a91b/th/pre/f/2013/254/f/4/dark_angel_by_ravenscar45-d6lv67x.jpg[/img] Name: Atlas (The Shadow) Age: 274 Gender: Male Race: Ashan Element: All Background: Atlas is one of those rare male figures of the Ashan race that actually does a lot of dangerous and challenging tasks. Why is he an exception? Well, he's good at what he does. Reason being, his a member of the Red Sun. Taking from birth, he was trained to be a cunning and deadly assassin. He was remarkably good at what he did, and his natural gift for magic only aided in his success. Using his clone as well as his other abilities, he completes most of his tasks with ease. His is of great loyalty to the Red Sun and does all his tasks without question or second thought, and is a very accomplished Artist. He has a knack for stealth, and purely uses his body and his own abilities to complete his mission. More personally, Atlas doesn't have much connections or personal interest besides the Red Sun. He has spent his whole life with them and completed many missions of varying degree, and is one of the Grandmaster's best Artists. Although he has a lot to learn, and is still growing as an assassin, his natural ability for it puts his ahead of the game. A killing machine, known by most as "The Shadow". ::ADVANTAGES:: Reflexes: Lvl-5. Nothing much sneaks up on Atlas, he's quick, always on his feet. He can inhumanely dodge out of the way of things, with impressive barrel rolls, back flips, bends and twists. Stealth: Lvl-1. Being an Artist, Atlas has learned the art of stealth to sneak up on his opponents. Where he isn't the stealthiest person, he can quite his footsteps and knows how to stay hidden. Hand-to-hand Combat: Lvl-2. Atlas has moderate skill in this form of combat, such as a MMA fighter would. Also, his reflexes greatly bolster his combat, making him quick on his feet. ::POWERS:: Perfect Clone: Dark Lvl-5. Atlas can conjure a clone entirely made of darkness that is in his image. It is indistinguishable from him, and call use all his powers besides cloning, also think on its own and can relay information back to Atlas. In addition, the clone is stronger, faster, and can regenerate itself with ease. It can last for long, but the more energy it exerts and damage it takes, the shorter it can last unless Atlas uses his own energy to fuel the clone. Adrenaline: Fire Lvl-1. A limit breaker that gives him the effects of adrenaline does for humans, increased strength, speed, dexterity, etc. Usually used to accomplish a difficult feat or enhance his combat skills. Phasing: Earth Lvl-1. Atlas can change his own construct of his body and phase through matter for a very short time. He is unaffected by physical means for the most part, but can still be affected by powers and other means.