[center][img]http://img08.deviantart.net/1a91/i/2012/218/3/7/noblesse___raizel_by_las_t-d5a0izi.png[/img][/center] [b]::GENERAL INFO::[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Shuda Jakur [b]Age:[/b] Very Old [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Arkard [b]Element:[/b] Light [b]Background:[/b] Shuda left the Kaesar Islands behind to embark on an expedition on one of the infamous Black Ships. He learned how to fight with a sword in each hand. His Arkard weapons instructor failed to see the use in a shield, "Either fight on the battlefield with a sword in each hand or hide in yer room. But don't yer try tuh hide behind a measly plank of wood on the battlefield." Shuda stayed on the Black Ship for years. He grew to love the thrill he felt in battle, he sought it with a frightening intensity. He would throw himself into battles with a reckless abandon, not fearing for his safety, only seeking a fight. The bloodlust would fill with the single-minded pursuit of slaughtering his enemies. He whirled among them like a typhoon unleashed. His shipmates began to look at him strangely, muttering when they thought he wasn't listening "He's chaos in Arkard form. Just be glad he's on our side." Eventually, Shuda left the Black Ships. They couldn't sate his thirst for battle. The attacks were too inconsistent, sometimes they would fight almost every day. Other times they wouldn't fight for months. He needed more. He needed a steady stream of battle after battle. So he sought the one place where he knew there would always be a chance to fight: The Imperial Military. Shuda rose through the ranks quickly, his battle prowess and natural understanding of military tactics paving the way forward for him. He's landed himself a high-ranking position as a Commander(two ranks below a Grand Marshal). If he wanted, Shuda could direct his troops from the command tent. Alas, that's not his style. In every battle, Shuda finds the most dangerous position for his troops to be in and then throws himself on the front-lines there. He leads his men forward with both swords held high. He fights to sate his bloodlust, he fights to protect his men, he fights to remind himself that although his body is dead...he is still alive. [b]::ADVANTAGES::[/b] [b]Strength: Level 1[/b] He's not the strongest around, but he's stronger than most [b]Agility: Level 2[/b] A typhoon on and off the battlefield, Shuda is quick on his feet [b]Swordsmanship: Level 3[/b] A lifetime of use has tempered Shuda's sword fighting skills [b]Status: Level 2[/b]- As a high-ranking officer in the Imperial Military, Shuda enjoys a high social status which comes with all sorts of benefits: he's wealthy, well-respected, and has a host of people to order around. [b]::POWERS::[/b] [b]Enhanced Senses[/b][i] Level 1[/i]- [LIGHT] Shuda can enhance any of his six basic senses at will. He can enhance them all slightly at once or one a great amount when he chooses. [b]Lightning Rod[/b][i] Level 1[/i]- [LIGHT] Shuda can charge any piece of metal with a small current of lightning. Most commonly he uses these on his swords and relies on the rubber in the hilt to protect him as he stabs people with the super-charged weapons. A hit near the spinal area can jumble the nervous system and mean instant death or paralysis. [b]Charismatic Aura:[/b][i] Level 1[/i]- [LIGHT] Shuda can bend the light around him in such a way as to make himself seem more impressive, or perhaps make himself seem more persuasive, or perhaps make himself seem more or less just about anything else. Essentially, allows himself to change how he's perceived by others slightly. He can even make himself seem less impressive, which makes the name a bit of a misnomer. [b]Blade Summoning:[/b] [i] Level 1[/i]- [DARK] Able to summon any basic blade to his hands. He can't do anything too fancy. He mainly uses it to summon replicas of his favorite twin swords. From practice, he's able to do summon replicas of those specific swords to a high degree of accuracy. [b]Healing:[/b] [I]Level 1[/I] [WATER] Shuda can heal small cuts and scrapes quickly if he concentrates for a few moments or he can heal larger injuries however it will take him much longer. For example, reattaching his pinky might take up to an hour. Further, if he's healing himself it's generally quicker than healing someone else. [hider=P.S: What he looks like during the Rot: Warning: a little scary] [img]http://www.loverofdarkness.net/LOD/images/gallery/main/b5/335_044b5a99546baa3effbac1100199b061.jpg[/img][/hider]