[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/A5Bijde.jpg?1[/img] [I]“Liaison, middle-man, black-market dealings, spying... Your wish is my command.”[/i][/center] [h3][b]::GENERAL INFO::[/b][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT]Shara of the Veil[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]25[/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [b]Race:[/b] [indent]Oxidal[/indent] [b]Element:[/b] [indent]None[/indent] [b]Background:[/b] [INDENT]Shara's past is shadowy, but what is known of her is that she is a professional liaison for the rich and influential. Serving as a professional middle-man is a difficult task of balance and subterfuge, not to mention an inordinate amount of boot-licking and vows of secrecy on punishment of execution. Her current employer is one with lots of money and even more schemes up their sleeves.[/INDENT] [indent][indent](History is actually written/planned out, but to be revealed via roleplay)[/indent][/indent] [h3][b]::ADVANTAGES::[/b][/h3] [b]Liaison of the Powerful (Lvl 2)[/b] [indent]Shara of the Veil has become a name whispered among nobility and other folks with power. She is employed by all sorts who are eager to either hire her to purchase a valuable item for them on the down-low, negotiate deals in their stead, or be the go-between for other... less reputable practices. She has received some humiliating jobs in the past, such as negotiating a play-ground territory dispute between the wealthy children of rival nobles. [i]That[/i] was one for the story books.[/indent] [b]Charisma (Lvl 2)[/b] [indent]Shara is extremely charismatic, which is an essential skill in her line of work. She can easily acquire friends and connections to aid her, and influence them with a winning smile and well-spoken words. She can haggle down the price at a shop, acquire sensitive information more easily, or negotiate with an enemy who may be about to slit her throat, among other things.[/indent] [b]Oxidal Engineering (lvl 3)[/b] [indent]Shara has learned the valuable skill of Oxidal Engineering through years and years of education and hands-on studying. She can repair, dismantle, and craft Oxidal Technology, the latter providing she has the materials to do so. She always her engineering toolkit on hand, and a ready and willing heart to invent. The sky, and available materials, are her only limits.[/indent] [list] [*]In her arsenal of equipment, she usually keeps (at any one time before needing to repair or craft more): [*]4 [b]Boom Flares[/b] (small circular balls of circuits and wires that Shara can throw into the air. After 2 seconds, they detonate and release a flash of light and sonic energy, shoving anyone in the radius back or at least stunning them for a moment if too large to be moved. This radius is 5 feet) [*]1 [b]Kinetic Shield[/b] (a device which she sets on the ground that deploys a barrier. This barrier can block attacks, such as bullets, a fire ball, etc. The barrier is 30 feet long and 15 feet high. People can pass through the barrier however. This barrier can withstand 6 attacks before depleting and taking 2 posts to recharge) [*]1 [b]Net Gun[/b] (a reasonably sized gun which can deploy rather strong and sticky nets made of sylvarian spider web to trap foes. Can deploy up to 2 nets) [*]2 [b]Magic Neutralizers[/b] (another small circular ball, nearly indentical to her signature Boom Flares. This can be placed, dropped, or thrown towards or into a magical effect to disperse said energy and cancel the effect) [/list] [b]Vibro-Sword (Lvl 2)[/b] [indent]A blade that is capable of cutting through steel by vibrating at a high speed. An Oxidal technology. Shara uses it not only as a weapon but also a functional tool for cutting through walls, chains, etc. though it does take time to do all these things.[/indent] [b][url=http://i.imgur.com/Kl6TBMv.jpg]Hover Bike[/url] (Lvl 2)[/b] [indent]Shara is practiced in the use of her hover bike. An Oxidal vehicle with retina recognition attuned to Shara specifically - meaning that nobody else can start it up to prevent theft. It allows her to scale buildings, hover over surfaces (such as water/lava/etc. though she will still feel the heat from the lava and her bike may become damaged due to exposure). When thrust into overdrive, it can go quite fast.[/indent] [h3][b]::POWERS::[/b][/h3]