Ok, so we got a rush of new people, yay!! In an effort to keep things organized, because I'm anal like that, [color=red]Active Players[/color] [@Strafe] [@Crazedm] [@notdeadyet] [@Elitestpotato] [@Plecy] [@Ryciera] [@The Fated Fallen] [@Inertia] [@GreenHood] [@IcePezz] To all new players, here's where we are in the story. Maria is currently in her shop 'Maria's Medicines and Sundries' getting ready for her next patient. Xusin is injured and being carried by Edict who is on his way to Maria's shop, accompanied by Cassius and Tirarrian. Alec Harrow is on his way to Maria's shop as well, coming from the Ugly Mug, with hopes of learning more about the person he is pursuing. So too is Marek, trudging towards Maria's shop from the direction of the docks, with a nasty wound. Joseph and Piper were on their way to the docks with their new found friend Jason, who thinks Joseph is a legendary hero named Sir Joffridus, however, after realizing that they've been followed by Isabeau, they've hid in an alley way just near Maria's shop. I hope I didn't leave anyone out! Something big is about to happen!! woohoo We still have [@WanderingRebel] and [@FinnIsh] who we are eagerly waiting for their characters to join in on the fun. [@Crazedm] if you could please edit your post to include a mention of the characters you're looking to interact with, or those who will be at Maria's Medicines and Sundries? I know this was a new rule, but we do want to make it habit - especially since things are about to get hectic. And that goes for all posts from here on in. It helps out a lot! We are accepting new players if there is anyone who would like to join, just submit your cs for approval. And remember, if anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to pm me! Thank you soo soo soo much!