As the shootout died down and the others took care of what was left Mika was left naked and some random mutant was eyeing her up and asking for an exit. [b]"I can burn a hole in your face to help you with that staring problem too."[/b] She wasn't particularly fond of this side effect of her powers, it wasn't that she couldn't burst into flames without ruining her clothes but she still hadn't quite perfected the technique. On the other hand, it was a fairly effortless way of getting undressed. In the mean time she walked towards the nearest corpse on the floor beside her. They were bleeding all over the floor and Mika could feel the warmth of the freshly spilled blood beneath her feet. It was unfortunately not an unfamiliar feeling. She examined the corpse, which was missing a large portion of it's head but it was clear to see that it was a young girl. She was wearing a long coat which Mika promptly pulled over herself despite the bloodstains. The coat itself was a bit too colorful for her taste but beggars can't be choosers so she made do. Mika started towards the doors looking at the fallen swat cops on the floor. [b]"I should really stop holding back when I use my powers..."[/b] The whole situation stank. Mika could tell that something wasn't right. [b]"Hey, I don't think this is over."[/b] She spoke to everyone left around her. It was somewhat comforting that other Mutants were present and not just normals, at the very least their survivability was much higher.