[center][color=8dc73f]Drew Anderson[/color][/center] 7th Floor - Drew finally sighed deeply, it's now or never. Drew picked up the bag next to the door and placed on his back, while heavy it wasn't unbearable or even exhaustion, it was a good thing he as fit as he is. He grabbed his crowbar he has absentmindedly leaned on the adjacent wall, he lift it up to his chest and held it with his other hand so if bad comes to worse he can defend himself. Drew looked at his doorknob his shaky hands hovered over the steel knob, sweat beading on his forehead and tense hand, but with a hard breath of air he collected himself enough to grabbed the door knob and twist it open, it looked exactly the same besides the lights being out, but he knew it will never be like every other ever again. With another sigh he collect the flashlight from his backpack and he let it guide him down the hallway. Halfway to the stairwell his flashlight started to act up repeatedly turning off and on, Drew groaned, and muttered swears under his breath, it turned off entirely, he stopped where he was and looked at the bulb and suddenly to his surprised it flashed right in his eyes, Drew sneezed suddenly from the suddenly light being flash, it was a sharp and high pitched sneeze, but it almost echoed throughout the floor, Drew froze, he glanced down the hall. As if on cue, a low groaning noise could be heard from one of the rooms, Drew was paralyzed with fear. And to his shock the door knob as starting to twist, why did this apartment had handicapped doorknobs? And to Drew shock it was the room belonging to a family, he knew them, and horror consumed him "No, please." Drew whispered. And to his horror the door opened enough for what he feared, two children, Bailey and Bradley. Bailey skin was grey and a clear bite mark was etched onto her arm, and Bradley was crawling on the ground, his cast prevent him from walking and most likely what got him killed if his sister was infected first, if the bite marks all over his neck and face proved anything. Drew was holding back a scream and tears, he knew those kids he babysat them a few times, and they were dead and coming at him. Drew had no idea what to do, and his mind was more fear ridden with each step and crawl they got to him. At arm's reach from the girl, Drew finally decided to push Bailey away and make his way out of here. He pushed her far enough to create enough of a window for him to escape and her brother was to slow to stop him and he booked it for the stairwell. But in his panic he has missed his second step and he slipped down the stairs and fell down to the floor below, leaving him dazed and confused, and with him defenseless as his crowbar has somehow hit the wall of the landing and as fallen another flight of stairs without him.