Caleb looked at the hand of the man that was confronting him. He looked and stared at the ring on his finger, he then looked at his which meant nothing now that his wife was gone. But he realized that he might as well join this old man, the man didn't know who he was, so at least he wouldn't have to deal with that. So Caleb nodded as he took the mans hand and shook it. "Alright old man I'll join up with you." he said hesitantly. "I don't know what's going on upstairs, but i'd rather not go higher. I've already had to shake myself off one ledge, would rather not have to do it again." Caleb said half jokingly. "Personally I say we find a way to climb down, and we try to find a way out of here. Or if you want to stay here we need to find others who have a survival instinct themselves." Caleb said as he looked as his weapon. "You are gonna need something better than that." Caleb said as he reached into his bag and pulled out his magnum. He held it out to the old man. "This will be more effective, and no offense, you don't look like you can crack anyone's skulls." Caleb said noting the man's age. "Don't worry about drawing more here, there's already enough coming from the gunshots earlier, so I doubt that it will matter much." Caleb said as he closed up his bag seeing the spandex in his bag as the bag closed. "I hope you've shot a gun before though." he said with a bit of a grin. "So, then, upstairs? Or should we wait for everyone else to meet up?" Caleb said as he looked back at the entrances and exits of the hallway.[@redbaron1234]