For the first time that day, Adrian smiled. Not a grand gesture by any means, more of a twitch that happened at the corners of his mouth. "Good," he said as he scanned the room. It was hard to see who was here, the place was poorly lit and the hunched figures shied away from the man in the suit. Hopefully the poor lighting helped to preserve any dignity and sense of authority he had left to command. On the street he would look more like them, he supposed, a pathetic waster in a cheap disguise. [i]Must get that haircut...[/i] "Do you see anything? There's got to be a guy who runs this place...the guy who makes the soup...anyone." Adrian made a move for the back, shoving and shooing anybody who approached looking for spare change or a drink. It wasn't a polite way to act, but he wasn't there to be nice. He was there to do his job.