[center][h2]Outlaw[/h2] [i][h3]"Howdy partner."[/h3][/i] [u][h3]Vitals[/h3][/u] Name: Samuel Williams Age: 28 Sex: Male Date of birth: 21st August, 1987 Lineage: - Class/Major: Marksman Class/Minor: Mage Occupation: Busker Alignment: Neutral Good Marital Status: Birthplace: Nashville, Tennesse Blood Type: B- Eye Color: Brown Height: 5' 5" Weight: 160 lbs Hair Color/Style: Brown, short and scruffy. General Appearance: Anthropomorphic beagle. Large brown eyes, almost cutesy looking in appearance. Normally wears a collared shirt and tie underneath a navy blue hoodie, with blue jeans and brown cowboy boots, along with a brown or white stetson on his head. Skin Tone/Condition: Covered in normal coloured fur for a beagle, colorings and all. Markings: - Voice: Soft, gentle, almost child-like in its tone. Birthmark: - Personality: Shy, but helpful and kind, Samuel likes to spend time with friends and also by himself in equal measures. If anyone threatens him, he normally shrinks away and refuses to fight, but if pushed enough, he regresses to a more impersonal, violent state of mind, shutting out his friendly self to let his trigger happy self take over. [u][h3]Combat Stats[/h3][/u] Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous Equipment: -Upper Body:[list] [*]Stetson - Sam's favourite hat. Can be damaged or torn, but any damage taken by the hat instantly regenerates and it'll always find a way back to its owner's head. It is otherwise unremarkable, but is very fancy looking. [*]Holsters - Two leather under-the-shoulder holsters made to house Betsy and Sue, his revolvers. By virtue of his dimension control powers, the revolvers automatically return to the holsters if they are dropped or lost. The two things are inexorably linked together. [/list] -Lower Body: Nil [u]Weapons[/u][list] [*]Betsy and Sue - Two Smith and Wesson .500 Magnum revolvers, immensely huge hand cannons for the beagle's small hands. [/list] [u]Abilities[/u][list] [*]Bottomless Magazines - By effecting a cycling dimension field within the chamber of his revolvers, Sam is able to ensure his guns are always fully loaded. The field cycles through every possibly alternate dimension where his guns are loaded, and every time his gun runs out of bullets the field cycles to the next loaded dimension. [*]Wanted - Sam's bullets are capable of being affected by his dimension and reality warping powers, and he is able to bend their trails in reality to make them curve in the air after he's fired them. He can use this ability to shoot around corners, over walls and even behind him without actually looking behind him. [*]Equilibrium - Sam is an expert at gun combat, and knows how to correctly predict where incoming fire is going to land based on foresight that he gains from using his dimension manipulation powers. Using this knowledge, he is able to be where the bullets are not going to be, while returning fire in the most accurate way possible. [/list] [u]Magic[/u][list] [*]Dimension Manipulation - Samuel is able to manipulate the fabric between dimensions, giving him access to a virtually limitless resource across the cosmos. Wherever he is able, he can open a tear between dimensions to retrieve objects, deploy traps or to even quickly travel from one point to another.[list] [*]Tear - Sam is able to pinpoint weak points in the fabric between dimensions. He is able to open these tears to make two points between dimensions intersect. For example if a tear resides on an open plain, Sam can open the tear to cause another dimension's version of the same plain intersect with this one, bringing along whatever objects happen to be residing in that space. [*]Jump - Sam is also able to use this ability of his to quickly jump between two points. By tearing holes at two points in the same dimension, he is able to compress the dimensional space between the two holes, creating a wormhole that he can leap through and close immediately after. The radius of this ability, however, is limited to what he can see and remember or imagine. For example, he can look at a photo of the Eiffel Tower in France, and open a wormhole there simply because he knows where that is and what it looks like in his mind's eye. [*]Store/Release - By opening a hole into dimensionspace, Sam can store objects or projectiles inside this vast, empty space for use later on. Any projectile fired or thrown into a hole into this space retains momentum and power when it was first released or fired but is put into suspended animation. When Sam calls upon the projectile again, it will exit the hole he creates with the same speed and power as it had when it was first fired or thrown. These projectiles can be as big or small as he can imagine, and when he catches them he can increase or decrease their size based on how big or small he makes the resulting exit hole. [*]Flicker - A passive ability, which is a side effect of his dimension magic, Sam is a queer individual whose essence is on one plane of existence, and yet is also scattered throughout the multiverse from how much he's been travelling the dimensions. As a result his physical form isn't exactly corporeal, and occasionally he may flicker in and out of existence in the current dimension, rendering any physical or magical attacks made during the flicker null and void. The physical manifestation of this is his physical image appearing to literally flicker like a bad TV signal, complete with slight distortion at the edges and static. [/list] [*]Reality Manipulation - Samuel is also able to bend the fabric of reality itself to his will. With this magic, he can literally pull or push, bend or distort physical structures to create new additions or to remove obstacles. For instance, when faced with a dead end, he can bend reality to create an opening through the physical entity that's the wall, or push it aside entirely to open up a path. Or, another example, when faced with an incoming projectile hazard, he can literally pull the ground ahead of him up to create a wall, or even grab the air itself to push the projectile aside. [b]Organic matter is totally unaffected by this entire set of magics.[/b][list] [*]Push - As simple as kneading dough, Sam is able to grasp physical matter at an existential level and push it closed. Using this aspect of his power, he can do things like shift entryways, close archways, move entire streets or even shunt whole city blocks somewhere else. [*]Pull - Like the above power, Sam is also able to pull things open. He can use this to open solid walls, divert any physical matter heading towards him, split things in twain or even haul objects too heavy for him to carry. [*]Null - This power allows Sam to stop anything that's moving in any direction and at any speed. If he isolates the object and effects a Null field on it, it will immediately stop its movement and be affected by gravity after that. He can use this to stop bullets, magical projectiles or other types of thrown weapon or projectile attacks. [*]Deconstruct - By grasping onto the basis of matter, Sam is able to utterly deconstruct an object into its base forms. He can make structures collapse, weapons fall apart, projectiles to stop working, among other things. [*]Shape - Grasping onto an object, Sam is able to reshape it to a different form while still maintaining the same type of matter within it. Using this he can create gateways in fences, steps out of asphalt, nets made out of windows, or other things. [/list] [/list] [/center]