[h2]Bonnie[/h2] Bonnie managed to finally find Chica after a minute of searching and quickly leaned against the wall. He was slightly tired, even after just a tiny bit of action back in the workshop. His red dots looked at Chica's glistful eyes as he was asked what was wrong. [b]"Ugh, thisssss nightguard was nosing her way into the workshhhhhhop."[/b] he hisses angrily, [b]"I wanted her to go away... but shhhhheeeee wanted to kill me... I managed to drive her out... she wasn't too hard really."[/b] He then listened to Chica's story on how she got turned into an animatronic. How the Purple Guy with his dark magic, corrupted her... stuffed her with pizza... and other grotesque things. Bonnie felt sorry for her and can relate as he himself also got killed by the Purple Guy... one that he sworn to find and kill. "Easy C-Chica..." stuttered Bonnie a bit while patting her on the back, "The murderer who took our lives will be found... and will pay for what he had done to our innocent souls. I promise you. Now come... lets head back to Fazbear's..." He then makes his way out of the workshop and back to Fazbear's Pizza.