"I think I got conned on this charm but-" resting the pencil down lightly, he reached into his shirt. Fishing the golden pocket watch out, it was attached to a chain and seemed nearly plain, the metal was even getting sort of brassy around the edges. It was definitely old, the face of the thing covered in carved swirls and intricate markings of some nature. It seemed to still be ticking very softly, almost as if it was frantic. It was beautiful but very old and very worn, the sound of it's ticking voice was almost comforting and he looked at it as if it were a long lost friend. Freeing it from his throat carefully, he slid it over to her for her to inspect. "Paid a lot of money for it. Can't say that it was a waste but definitely could have gotten something just as useful for cheaper. Being a vampire isn't so bad, like if you can deal with the whole blood drinking and being a creature of the night thing. I've made do though, I wait tables part time." He turned his gaze back to the sketchbook and began to soften out the features. Studying her for a brief moment, he marked where to proportion her eyes and her nose, drew a faint line to mark where her mouth belonged. Eyes were his favorite thing to draw, you could capture a person completely by the way you drew their eyes. As cliche as it was to think, Remmington had become very fond of the phrase that compared them to mirrors into the soul. He took it to heart, focussing a good lot of his talent into making sure they looked perfect and she had nice eyes. A shade close to his own but more gentle somehow, drawing them was easy, soft lines and intent curves. "Remi is actually kind of nice. Most people just do some variation on Remmington, my family calls me Rem most of the time." he smiled slightly when he mentioned his family. They were an average bunch, his mom was doting and kind and his father was stern but good natured. They were a good family and it felt weird being away from them but it was definitely better that way. He had a lot to learn and the fact that his roommate was a vampire as well, it made him feel not so alone. At home there was nothing there to keep his mind at ease and he was constantly getting frustrated and throwing fits about the smallest things. He felt calmer here, it was good on his nerves and he had a muse again. Penciling in the shape of her nose and shading around it lightly, he watched her carefully and offered a smile. He didn't have a bad smile but it seemed faraway, almost as if part of him was off in outer space most of the time and maybe he was, the boy did seem kind of dotty and very nervous. It was essentially hard for him to keep himself from being nervous, even if the girl seemed as nice as Clover. Gathering every ounce of his thin courage, he managed to keep blabbering, words spilling out before he could think them over. "My brother was a cook, I used to want to learn because I was about half obsessed with being just like him. Though, if I recall, he wasn't even that great. I think he made Thanksgiving dinner once and he messed up the turkey temperature, and we had to get one of those really gross rotisserie chickens. He was a cool guy though." He took a deep breath, and began to mimic the curve of her mouth on the paper. "Do you have any siblings? Where were you born? Any pets growing up? I used to want a cat but-" he stopped himself, probably would have blushed if his blood vessels had the ability of enlarging anymore. "I used to want a cat."