Thomas couldn't belive what Triton had said about killing people. It wasn't exactly Thomas's fault if the only thing he could eat was blood. Or drink. Either way, he wasn't exactly going to survive by eating Yum Yum Happy Go Time Candy Fish Tails. Thomas was surprised when the new boy, who he now knew was called Aedan, thought that the school would be a battle royale, and asked Triton what he could offer. Thomas made a mental note to get Aedan to hate Triton. Perhaps he would manipulate his memories into thinking that Triton had done something to him. Perfect idea. But Thomas would need a time When Aedan was vulnerable vulnerable, and alone. He wouldn't be able to do it at the present moment, though. After Triton had finished growing.into his dragon form, Thomas moved right up to him, as close as he could. Looking up at his now much larger opponent, he looked him in the eye, and got mentally ready for the anger he was about to cause from Trition, "I never said that killing people made you a good person, I know I'm not a good person. I'm a [i]terrible[/i] person and I know it. I'm jusy saying that it doesn't make you a powerful person. And it's not my fault if I've killed people. You can't really get to my age as a vampire without killing people." Thomas took a deep breath, "And if killing people for no reason is so bad, then why did you kill your brother?" Thomas had a big grin on his face, ready for Triton's reaction.