Zhang stasis'd one of the things that got too close to him, attempting to kick it only for it to latch on to his boot. Adrenaline rushing to his head, he wildly shook his foot foot as it crawled up his leg. Finally he whacked his foot against the ground hard, causing the thing to weaken its grasp, a few more rounds of this and it laid motionless on the ground (hopefully). Picking himself up, he realized how badly the situation was getting, tapping the security officer's armor, he turned to her, "I have a suspicion that this place isn't going to last. Shouldn't we try to get to the escape pods?" Soon after saying that he stood up and tried to shoot at the thing rushing in. He though he got at least a few hits in but due to a combination of their speed, the confusion and the inexplicable will to not die, he wasn't sure how much good he was doing. Reloading the rivet gun, he turned to the officer, in theory she had the greatest power over everyone here.