Scales were cool. This was something Aedan had never really considered but seeing Triton growing and morphing into something even more imposing than his rapidly fading form, he found himself on the verge of praying that Thomas would shut up. If things de-escalated at their current rate then a fight might break out and if that happened then Aeden would be obliged to take Thomas' side and therefore be obliged to have more than his lips split. At that thought someone's voice was turned on him and he looked around to see a woman giving him some advice that he would be foolhardy not to follow. [i]Damn. That means there's no way I'm going to do as she says is there? Foolhardy is practically my middle name." He thought with a small amount of relief that his thoughts were at least referring to himself in first person again. Something about this woman's eyes seemed oddly familiar as though he had just seen something like them but not quite them. Maybe it was just that they were eyeballs. Most people here were bound to have eyeballs. Nevertheless Aedan couldn't quite tell what it was but it left him spellbound and as she walked away he actually took three steps to follow her before snapping back to the current calamity. He wheeled around to Thomas and moved back to his position slightly behind him. "If you guys do fight, hit him first." He said pointing to Thomas frantically. Aedan still had almost know idea who or what Triton was but he just couldn't picture anything good coming of Thomas goading that giant scaled man like that. Especially when it came to family. There are moments of clarity before one does something truly stupid. These moments normally are to keep you from doing said things and one might just find they can view their surroundings clearly with heightened senses. If one were not a totally idiot they would avoid doing this thing, if one were a total idiot they wouldn't even notice in the first place. If one were Aedan they would say "Oh I get it now. She was a vampire too." As they realized what seemed so familiar about the kind lady's eyes. Then they would do the stupid thing. Seeing how close Thomas was getting to Triton and the large grin that was just begging for trouble Aedan did the second thing he could think of. The first was running for the hill but that wouldn't do any good and the third involved copious crying and he might need that option for another emergency. So instead he stepped between the two, squeezed would be a better word at this point, and tried to spread his arms out to separate. Only tried though since at their weakest both of these two were probably ten times stronger than he was so all he could do was keep his arms up and bent like some kind of menacing chicken dance. "Guys! Death, expulsion, really really bad!" He yelled spat out as fast as he could manage it. "I mean like I really think that we could like not, get involved in a fight but if we do, if, just if because we don't have to, I still say hit Thomas first." Aedan flashed his very best don't hit me smile as his inner thoughts started saying their goodbyes to his ribs.