[color=seagreen]"I'm Leon Sarcelle, former sailor, current authority on invading a person's comfort zone,"[/color] he said amiably. Talking had proven to a great distraction, as most of the normal color had managed to return his face. In fact, he hardly noticed the airship landed or the monotone voice informing the students to kindly buzz off. It goes without saying that the lad was all too eager to comply. He wanted to believe that his excitement came purely from seeing Beacon up close, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't way past ready to be off the airship. Leon made a gesture towards the door, one eyebrow raised as if to ask if Lyle was coming with, before he started to make his way off the bucket of bolts that had no business swimming through the air. It seemed like a normal pace to him, but whether it actually was needed to be determined by those around him. Solid, gravity loving ground had been sorely missed.