His Mech computer system tracked the round as it made contact with his armoured foe; shattering against whatever strange material he was clothed in. The lack of crippling impact was not a surprise to Higan, but his Mech still announced ‘negligible affect on target,’ he sighed inwardly. “Alright, let’s try something else.” While allowing his Mech to continue firing and automatically adjusting he considered his options, even as his foe gathered himself and began running towards and around him. He was coming in at his right side, which meant his Mech had to swivel in order to keep him within the Rifle’s firing arc. As his Mech was turning, Higan had the machine back up and strafe rightwards, keeping some additional distance from his foe and also providing a moving target. It was also easier to keep his foe locked in if he moved to some degree with him. Suddenly, his Mech identified an incoming threat; his foe had launched his disc-like weapon towards them. As his computer system reeled off the danger of the incoming threat he found himself in a fairly unique situation, being able to actually avoid a projectile coming at him rather than avoiding further hits. Deciding he had no interest in testing the damage capabilities of the foreign weapon he suddenly changed the direction of his run, with the Mech’s right foot settling onto ashy-ground it burst off and immediately cancelled out its rightward momentum, darting leftward instead as the disc bounced off the far side of the curved leg armour, unable to find purchase or produce the necessary pressure to cut effectively without scoring a direct hit. It still grazed the armour, something his computer system was keen to point out, as Higan controlled his Mech calmly. “My turn again eh.” He laughed, catching his foe about to be perforated by another of his rifle rounds, his Mech turned to face him, the Machine suddenly stood stock still and braced itself, and about half a second after the rifle round fired from the secondary weapon Higan unleashed his primary. The boom of the tank gun firing a HE round towards his foe was striking in the near empty environment, but would the joint offensive of both rifle round and anti-tank round be able to damage his armoured foe?