[hider=Opening Theme] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCmUWNUzaqo[/url] [/hider] [h2] The Agrippa Court [/h2] The Walls of the Roman castle, were silent. Saddened by the sudden, yet painfully slow death of King Michaelangelo. It was just a few days, after the announcement of the arranged marriage between his son, and the foreign Princess Elena. Queen Ravenna was sitting in the dining hall; doing her best to look sullen and heart-broken by the loss of her husband. But the Queen truly did not care about the old man, she only wanted his fortunes, to marry of his son...and rule the Empire on her own. The more power she gained, she just seemed to crave for more. Spreading her fear and tyranny along with her twin brother. If she could, she would make her own daughter...her own flesh and blood the rightful heir to the Throne, unless her brother wanted to take the spot beside her as King. It almost seemed malicious and wrong, to leave him out of the fun and the power. As her eyes scanned around the entire room; she noticed that her daughter's Lady in waiting was missing. "Where is that maid?" she spat. She had always requested that every servant was present in the mornings. How did one little slave dare to defy her orders? Lord Giovanni could hear the Queen's booming voice, echo through the halls of the castle. He was silent, as his eyes landed to Silvano. His friend was silent as usual. He knew it was a hard time for everyone. Grieving the loss of the King, but he also knew many secrets which might have caused Julietta's absence in the dining room this morning. The Noble however kept his mouth shut; in fear of angering the Queen even more. He didn't want to risk the Siren's wrath and revenge when she should be mourning the loss of her husband. "Well?" She spat "Does anyone know, where she is?!" Giovanni bowed his head down to the Queen with respect "No, your highness." It took a lot, to master lying to the Queen. All of his will, was focused on trying to protect Silvano and Julietta from her wrath...her magic and plans to ruin them both. It seemed it was working already though; he couldn't remember when Julietta was in the same room with Silvano, or had the courage to look at him since she found out the news. By his best bet, it was a week or so. They had barely spoken; he felt sorry for them both. He could feel their heart-break and pain of the situation. He could not blame her, for wanting to run away in fear and worry that she would loose her beloved. But he also hoped, that she would try and fight for the Prince. He was silent, as he leaned against his chair; he looked glum and saddened by the loss of the King. The King was a good man and he raised a good son. Giovanni's eyes momentarily rested upon Coventina. [h2] The Garden [/h2] After helping the Princess get ready for the day, the Lady in waiting sneaked away in the Gardens in the castle grounds. Julietta knew it was wrong to not show up for breakfast, by the Queen's orders but she just couldn't bare to be in the same room as Silvano. The news of his arranged marriage hurt and scared her deeply. She was slowly realizing, that he deserved better than what she could give him. He was a Prince...she was a commoner by his standards. Despite being in love with him, she had her doubts and worries about their feelings for one another. It was not like she could ask Coventina for her help and advice on the matter; the princess was totally oblivious to the situation. It hurt just struggling to keep her feelings in check and struggling with what was going on. She let her brown curls fall over her face, as she felt the tears ascend down her cheeks. The tears were shed due to her heart ache over the young Prince who had her heart...and the loss of the King. Even the Lady in Waiting missed the King, he had been a good man and he welcomed her into the court as if she was family; like she belonged. But that soon changed when his new wife started to change the rules...command everyone and degrade the servants along with her brother. [h2] The Constantine Court [/h2] In the Latin/Italian Court, Princess Elena was getting ready for her departure to Rome. The Princess would be meeting her future husband face to face. Once, she met him during a masquerade ball, but she was certain he did not remember her presence. He was too busy chasing after the female servants off his home to pay any attention to her. It angered her gratefully,as he caught her eye. Although, it seemed like the Queen took pity on her, wanting to make them stronger allies which is why the wedding was arranged. Her maids were busy gathering up her things, whilst the Witch admired her reflection for a few moments; tilting her head at her self, she sighed briefly. She did not understand, what the Prince could see in the commoners compared to her. "My lady, you have a visitor." The voice off her guard snapped her out of her day-dream. Shifting on her spot, Elena nodded at her guard "Very well, let the visitor in Giuseppe." She moved over to her seat in the throne room, awaiting the arrival off the visitor. Her eyes rose slightly seeing Valari, the Queen's own brother walk into the room. "What brings you to my home, Valari?" she breathed out in curiosity. She was not expecting to see him so soon. Elena had assumed, she would see him in Rome with the Queen and the rest of the family.