The Raeym Corporatiion must have really wanted to send him a message, just like the mob of the old earthen days, they didn't play about their money. This assassin, using the high guard, had been given special orders to handle him up close and personal. It was a play straight out of the playbooks of infamous mafia members Lucky Luciano, and his cohorts. Tre'yan studied the man, using the boxing compass to quickly pinpoint the different areas the man could potentially attack from. He continued to bounce backwards and forward, staying light and virtually on his toes in order to quickly react with speed and precision. His hands stayed in front of his body, the guarding and offensive positions having not yet changed. The bout was on! The ghosts took an inward gasp as the assassin, armed with the vicious Ka-Bar knife, lifted the weapon overhead, and came forward, aiming to rip Tre'Yan in twine with the sharp edge. The compass. High right, Tre'Yan's High Left. It was angled to his Low Left, Tre'Yan's low Right. It would be brutal should it manage to hit. Using his exceptional footwork, Tre'Yan slipped to the back, avoiding the blow as it came ripping down. The knife hadnt't changed position, so a counter above the knife would result in a cut along his dominant arm. Smart ploy. Another boxer would have fell hook, line, and sinker. Earth expressions. No, Tre'Yan kept the distance, taking only a step forward, as Cho would step back, and feinting with a right jab, purposely aiming to make the attack look like it was coming for the body, instead of a head shots. Body offered a bigger mass, after all.