[color=92278f]Ami[/color] woke up, looking around her. She could hear faint arguing, she could see people in the distance, but the room itself was empty. Ami stood up, and picked up the object laying at her side. It was tall, wooden, resembling a staff. There were tendrils of red, curling around it. Ami stood, unsure of wether or not to talk to these people. [color=6ecff6]Arc[/color] walked over to Sonja, she pushed the wall slightly and it swung open slightly. There were shadows hiding the contents from views, the room was dark. There was a very faint smell of iron. Arc hesitantly stepped slowly inside. It was slim, and long. It looked like a hallway. But, it was a dead end, nothing, just more white. Why? Why hand they found a hallway, devoid of anything but the fan smell of iron and the dreaded white color that surrounded them?