Clover tries to contain her excitement as she leans forward, inspecting the magical artifact closely. "Lovely," she praises as she reaches forward and ghosts her fingers over the watch, humming as the magic buzzes against her. "It's a pretty good one, as far as I can tell," the witch informs as she flips open the case and traces the face of the watch. "I'd say at least two, maybe three, witches from the same coven worked on it. You're not even touching it fully, but it's still protecting you," Clover gestures at him, as if to accentuate this point. "It's pretty strong to be able to shield you just by being in close proximity." "A witch can create strong spells, but it's our circles that give us real power," she continues, a little wistful at the end. It was hard being away from her gran, but even so, a coven of two wasn't much of a coven at all. Flipping the lid closed, she slides the charm back over to Remi. "I'd say you got your money's worth out of it." Clover listened as the other youth talked about his brother and downed another can of Redbull. She was starting to feel a little more awake, but she knew that she was probably going to crash right after her first class. [i]'Maybe I can get a nap in before my math class this afternoon,'[/i] she mused. The two shared a companionable silence as Clover continued to watch the progress the vampire made on his sketch. It was definitely a girl, but Clover still couldn't quite make out her feature. "Do you have any siblings? Where were you born? Any pets growing up? I used to want a cat but-" Remi pauses and an expression crosses his face that she can't quite pin-point "I used to want a cat," he finishes, his eyes averted back down to his artwork. "I was born in Maine. I don't have any brothers or sisters, or pets. It was just my gran and me," Clover admits, glossing over her family history. Most people are understandably freaked out if she tells them that mom murdered her dad in a fit of jealous insanity. "How old are you?" She changes the subject, picking up her book bag and moving around the table to sit next to Remi so she can finally make out what he's drawing. "Oh," she gasps, the corners of her mouth turning up into a goofy smile. "You're quite good at this, aren't you?" Clover asks, giving the vampire a friendly punch to the shoulder.