[h3] The Angar[/h3] They had been walking for the better part of an hour- with each step the forest around them grew more gnarled within itself. The trees grew to monstrous heights in this part of the Angar- the roots jutted out of the ground to obscure the carts passage at times. Sunlight was scarce on the forest floor- splotlights of it scattered here and there- but the distances in between could make any traveller weary of what takes refuge in the dark. For the most part- their passage was met with little threat. The woman walked alongside the mule and scarcely paid any mind to her burden in the cart. She spoke to the mule every now and then- scolding it for being so careless with a rock or stopping to eat something. The cloak was obviously enchanted with illusion magic to obscure her features- one could see that she was beautiful- but could not remember the color of her eyes or the curve of her mouth. In fact- if one were to look away entirely- they would begin to forget her face altogether. Her voice was odd, also, for its accent changed often. She spoke like a royal of the north, then a peasant of the valley, only to then settle into the thick drawl of the coast. This, too, was due to the magic of her cloak to protect her identity. No doubt this was the reason for her companions departure- for his cloak did not carry the same benefits. Soon enough they were bathed in sunlight as they breached a clearing in the forest. It was small, merely the size of the cart itself, and was home to a thick blanket of flowers. The mule gorged itself on these as the woman turned toward the cart for the first time since departing. "Wake up, child." She commanded in the voice of courtly maiden in waiting. After a moment she snapped the blanket off of her and placed her hand on the girls face, the black bile reacted to her touch and slithered up her arm. The woman looked Alixanna over for any bruises. When she was satisified that the damage was minimum she spoke thus, "We are at the edge of the woodland. Beyond this point we will be entering the bog. It is here that my master sleeps. I will present you to him and he will judge you. Speak to him and he will bestow revelation upon you. But exercise caution- for his moods are tempestuous in nature." At this she walked back to her mule and draped his back with the blanket. They continued on for a few minutes until the forest began to fall away and the ground became soggier. Pools of water, stagnant and green, popped up here and there. "We have arrived." she announced before returning to Alixanna and guiding her off of the cart, to the edge of the water. With a finger her captor pointed off toward the center of the pool of water, "Look. He awaits us." Upon looking, one would have been unable to see whatever the woman saw, but then it moved. What had earlier been assumed to be a massive rock covered in moss- opened its eyes. The moss creature stood on all fours. Water dripped off of its fur and mane. The swamp lion parted its jaws as it looked hungrily at the women, "Witch.." The monsters voice was that of a demon. Deep and dry, with predatorial undertones. It was part snarl and part curse. The scylera of its eyes were black- the irises shined a flame umber. "My lord. My dread king." She called out to him, "I've brought another child. I believe this time- she is the one that you seek." The lion said nothing. It simply edged closed until its black nose was inches from Alixanna's face and its face filled her view, "Does my witch... speak the truth, child? Will your soul cleanse mine?" The woman beside Alixanna was in awe, "See for yourself. She is a healer. A pure child who works only to aid others." At this point the lion opened its eyes wide as it locked on to Alixanna's. They meant to hypnotize her as he spoke, "Yes. Yes I believe you are right. I can see her soul. I want it." He turned his gaze on the captor, who avoided his gaze, "Take her away and prepare her. Return her when she is ready." The cloaked woman bowed her head low, "Yes, dread king. In 3 days time, we shall return." And with that the lion returned to the depths of the bog, the water swallowing it up whole. The woman stood beside Alixanna now and looked at her, "I will give you a five minute headstart." She said, "My job here is done. Once you leave the bog then you are Ogars problem. He will be expecting you in my cart- but fear does a body good. And he's always been one for the chase." She turned away and climbed on to her mule, who begrudgingly began to trot on out of the bog. Leaving Alixanna amongst the weeping willows and croaking toads.