[b]Name:[/b] Aaelgus (or Aael) [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall, ghostly pale skinned young man of about nineteen years old, has starch white hair and pupilless eyes that are yellowish white and glow a little bit giving him limited amount of low-light vision, his teeth are kind of sharp mostly his canines, he wears a mask that covers his mouth and mostly his face, also wears a billowing black cloak, a grey scarf and well fitted leather boots. Aaelgus's hands are talonlike and have sharp tips so he wears black gloves over them. [img]https://gachugo.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/hollow_ichigo.jpg?w=750&h=380&crop=1[/img] [b]Cliches:[/b] Hardened Warrior (4)- Trained by his adopted father who was a Knight of the Hylian Royal family. Kakorikian Bard (4)- Father was a really good musician taught him music skills at a young age. Adventurer of the lands (3)- Aaelgus has been wandering for a while now has become seasoned at finding his way around. Novice of the Dark Path (1)- His Curse has effected him to be able to use sacred magics of demonic origin. [b]Personality:[/b] He is quiet but friendly and good natured, at times he can be a little timid and when you know him he is very haughty and mischeivious, but also very imapatient, but knowledgeable about oddities and the unusal. [b]Background:[/b] Was cursed by a skull kid while tramping through the lost woods, he was cursed for defileing the Skull Kids peace, he got thought he was lost but found his way out and he was an abomination, he fled and started a life of wandering, he only returned to his village a few days later to find it close to deserted, he got his possesions his Lute and Flute, Two Swords that had the Hylian insignia emblazened onto the Blade and other musical sheets and he found a mask of the moon in his fathers house, he has wanted a taste of the adventureing life and he got it and now he travels the land looking for adventure.