Bane was standing in the captain's cabin as someone was changing behind the screens in the corner of the room. "You shouldn't be up, are barely healing at the moment and the only thing that will heal are the wounds you got from the fight..." Avery walked out, wearing the true colors of a pirate. She waved her hand at him and said "I won't heal being locked in here. My wounds will heal while I help the crew. But first I want to check on our doctor friend and that little girl we found..." Bane slammed his hand against the wall in front of her, blocking her route to the door. " went demon and wiped out half of that crew...does that fact not concern you at all?" Avery frowned and said "When has me being hit by Dead Man's blood make you question my skills?" Bane sighed and said "I don't question that...I question your reasoning. You've been tortured, beaten, and starved for about four weeks. You need to be checked out..." Avery ducked under his arm and said "That's why I must find our doctor friend..." She opened the door and walked out, Bane cursing softly then followed her out.