Narza trembled with excitement, staring at all the souls within the small village. The voices in her head were telling her to kill them, mostly. There were exactly 70 voices, 66 of them human and screaming similar things such as "[color=ed1c24]KILL[/color]", "[color=9e0b0f]SLAUGHTER[/color]", "[color=ed1c24]DESTROY[/color]", "[color=9e0b0f]DEFILE[/color]". Three of them were inhuman and spoke in overwhelming images and emotions. Blades of wind ripping flesh from bone, vicious waves smashing down houses and humans alike, sadistic shadows swallowing humans whole, leaving behind only unrecognizable crimson mounds. And the final voice was telling Narza what to do after, how to devour those souls whole and grow ever more powerful. Narza intended to indulge each and every voice. Her ghostly body, weak to light and heat, would burn in the bright sunlight. On the way to the village, she'd figured out how to weave mist and wind to create a thick fog that thoroughly blocked out the sunlight. This dark, opaque cloud could hear a kobold issuing orders, but ignored them and rushed past. Narza had enough to listen to as it was, and didn't need another person to tell her what she should do. Strong souls stood out more against the weak souls, and none of the humans had any especially strong souls. Narza's [s]competitors [/s]comrades actually had the most interesting souls, but she didn't dare try to take any of them [s]yet[/s]. Souls without a body stood out the strongest, however, like a lantern without glass panes. Narza swept up the "freed" souls first, greedily swallowing down and absorbing each soul as she came to it. Left on their own, souls would quickly drift away and vanish, so she had to act fast. Men, woman, children, all were frightened by the terror of death, and no soul's willpower was strong enough to last longer than a moment against the onrush of 66 and growing tormented souls. Maybe she had rushed forward to soon though, as she'd pulled in front of many of her co-workers. Looking distastefully at all the living bodies, the farmers holding their pitchforks uncertainly, the children running and hiding behind their fathers, Narza swept forward toward a father-daughter pair and enveloped them both in her fog. Narza pulled the pair apart with a burst of wind, laughing joyously. Suddenly thrust within a cold realm of darkness and separated from each other, their terror spiked to new levels. Without a calm mind to resist her, Narza ripped their souls out of their body with ease and moved on, leaving behind two prone bodies, theirs chests still rising and falling, but their eyes only stared blankly at nothing. [hider=Soul Count] One twisted little girl, 78 insane humans, 3 Elementals, Derrik the dark mage [/hider]