The Overlord used his magical sight to watch the ensuing attack from above the village, as if he was one of the many vultures that were already hungrily coming to circle over the place. Twich was trying to take command and organize a coherent strategy. He would have to see how that went; perhaps the kobold had a penchant for strategy, but of course his weaker stature no doubt meant that many of the others wouldn't respect his orders. He would consider giving the kobold some authority so that his plans might hold more weight next time, but of course he also kept an eye upon Clotho. She was quick, ruthless, and competent, all of the traits that he approved of. She seemed a more natural choice, albeit perhaps less cunning, as she wasn't the one that had devised a plan, after all. As expected some of the bloodthirsty and reckless of his champions went straight for the vulnerable farmers. Such a quick attack had its merits, though he took note of their lack of cooperation with the others that had held back to devise some sort of strategy. Their boldness seemed incompatible with the cool and deliberate forethought of others, though together with others of their mindset they might be capable of working together effectively. If not, perhaps they would be best used for solo tasks. With mild amusement he watched the Darkwraith worm its way into the center of the village and then defile the sanctity of the temple by spilling blood, before proceeding to set the whole place aflame. Similarly, Clotho and Umbra were clearing out the manor. It seemed that the nobles there were not of the knightly sort after all. The quick demise of two inside the manor to Clotho's hand was somewhat expected, albeit still somewhat disappointing. It appeared that there would be nobody in the hamlet to put up a decent fight. His attention turned once more to the small temple, where he noticed that a small plume of black smoke was now rising from it. Kor had already driven out the terrified masses from within and set the building ablaze! Hearing the screams, four clerics stepped out from a doorway to one of the village hovels, having likely been performing some healing work on the people inside. Immediately seeing the destruction and the defilement of their temple, the two clerics rushed towards the inside of the smoky building, looking for the perpetrator. Their robes and staffs suggested that they were magic users of some sort, and priests tended to be learned in the type of holy magic that was most effective against the undead. If Kor had remained inside the temple long enough to be apprehended, he might find himself faced by two worthy opponents! Of course, others would most likely be quick to come to his aid, if he proved to have difficulty handling the two sorcerers.