[b]Name:[/b] Sioned Davies (before), Rhiannon Jones (now), Elena Agarathi (to unacquainted changelings - almost a pseudonym) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age Taken:[/b] 3 [b]Age Escaped:[/b] 22 (still looks to be 18, though) [b]Seeming:[/b] Fairest [b]Kith:[/b] Flowering [b]Blessing:[/b] Seductive Fragrance (9-Again on Persuasion, Socialize and Subterfuge i.e. better at persuasion, socializing and subterfuge). [b]Appearance (Glamor):[/b] [hider=Photo][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/370d080c63cc721234dd1b7825dc8b5c/tumblr_mg6fkkfKQc1rcksbno1_1280.jpg[/img][/hider] Red-haired and blue eyes with pale skin, Rhiannon has a delicate beauty about her which entrances and mesmerizes those who look upon her features. She is neither tall nor short, standing at an extremely average five foot six inches tall with a petite physique which merely adds to her porcelain-like attraction. Vain and immensely proud of her appearance, she chooses to dress in clothes which accentuate her pale skin and fiery hair; largely in blacks but she takes care to add the colours of the Spring Court via coloured belts, jewelry and hair accessories. Generally she chooses to wear a black, knee-length skirt, black stockings and a petticoat of the same colour with a plain white shirt to break the monotony. A sky blue belt around her waist, over her shirt so it is clearly visible, provides no function other than as an accessory while a white-gold necklace hung around her neck with a blue amethyst gem set in tear-drop shape continues her small dedication to the Court. Finally, a flower that appears to grow from her head itself, as no stalk is visible behind her ear nor is any clip present, is the single visible sign of her Kith. In line with her colours, the flower is a brilliant azure colour. A delicate scent of a multitude of flowers follows Rhiannon wherever she goes although she wears no perfume. [b]Appearance[/b] (No Glamor): [hider=Image][img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/255/2/1/dryad_sketch_by_igorkieryluk-d5eh7gi.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Court:[/b] Spring Court. [b]Personality:[/b] Whimsical and cheerful, Rhiannon revels in social occasions especially when she is the centre of attention. While not going out of her way to ensure that all focus is on her, Rhiannon is careful that at any event she has a fair gaggle of admirers following her every move. Her tools of trade include flirtation, when necessary, and she finds herself easily attracted to others, regardless of gender, but it is rare for this to last long as her focus moves on. It might come as a surprise, therefore, that she is not one to become jealous of another who receives more attention than herself; this trait perhaps has been received from being a mere object for others to look at before she escaped and although she enjoys and revels in being admired she is not incapable of going without it. She also regards humans as somehow... lesser beings despite the knowledge she came from the same beginning. Using a human to her own ends, via manipulation or obsession, is as easy as breathing for Rhiannon and she will throw away the subject's life if necessary although she will not willfully dispose of them. [b]Clarity/Wyrd:[/b] 5/7 [b]Glamor:[/b] 7 [b]Contracts and Clauses:[/b] [b]Contracts of Vainglory:[/b] Songs of Distant Arcadia - Become more persuasive. Words of Memories Never Lived - Create a story so well-woven that everyone listening believes it wholly. [b]Contracts of Fleeting Spring[/b] Growth of the Ivy - Change one of the subject's desires Pandora’s Gift - Temporarily produce an object the subject desires. [b]Contracts of Verdant Spring[/b] Spur the Crowd - Sway a crowd in a certain emotional direction [b]Contracts of Eternal Spring[/b] Gift of Warm Breath - Rejuvenates a target, alleviating suffering from fatigue and deprivation, and healing bashing damage. Mother of All Deaths - Animates the plant life in an area and have it fight on the changeling's behalf. [b]Backstory:[/b] Rhiannon was a babe when she was taken, barely a wisp of memory remaining of her life before Arcadia. The only thing that had stuck with her was the lyrical Welsh tilt to her voice, sing-song and lulling hearers to sleep as if she were singing a lullaby, that she had inherited from her mother, or so she had been told. Taken for her future beauty and the beautiful melodies produced by her voice, Rhiannon lived as a servant but not as a slave in the household of her male master. Raised, taught in the ways of the Fae and then when she began to grow into her beauty, displayed as a symbol of her master's wealth at social occasions. She would sing and sometimes dance for her master and his guests before being ordered to stand with other, similar, servants for the visual appreciation of the guests. That is not to say that Rhiannon was treated well; abuse was often hurled her way by her master who was prone to anger and he deliberately overlooked the often overly-forward attention of his guests. Enduring it all, Rhiannon began to look for escape as she neared her nineteenth birthday, or rather what she knew as her birthday. The attention paid to her had become more and more lewd as her beauty only increased and she feared what might be coming. Unable to protest, for such an outburst would result in a severe punishment often worse than what she had protested about, she retreated within herself and displayed an outward joy at any social occasion, mastering the ways of seduction and manipulation to keep herself safe. Her chance for escape came some years later; her master had paid her more and more attention in the years since her decision to attempt an escape until she was almost always in his presence. Often she would simply be ogled for hours but she led him on, narrowly escaping more serious interaction for which she had no wish. In the aftermath of a particularly rowdy occasion her master, intoxicated by the event, become more malleable to her will than ever before and she seduced him into taking her to his quarters. His guard lowered and a joy at finally gaining a long-standing desire that had only increased with Rhiannon's gradual seduction, the master escorted her to his own chamber for the first time. Unfortunately, being as intoxicated as he was, Rhiannon's master was easy to manipulate into slumber giving her the chance to escape from his domain with those keys kept securely in his chamber. No one had followed her, as far as she knew, and she cast away the name he had given her as well as her original name and chose one that suited both her taste and her apparent heritage. The shock of her re-entry forced her back into a servile role, relying on seduction and manipulation. Quickly spotted for her talent, she received the patronage of a member of the Spring Court who also owned one of the larger local travel businesses. Now she works for him, using her skills learned from her time in Arcadia to pay back her patron's kindness. Still unsure of her own safety and alien to anything other than her servile role, Rhiannon often slips back into said personality, relying on seduction and manipulation when her social awkwardness becomes apparent although she quickly retreats from interaction when any attention she has not guided is paid to her. (Hope that's all good - let me know if anything needs ironing out!)