Lord Lindemann signalled Blare to sit down. Once he sat down he began. "Mister Blare, you have shown some value." He spoke. "From what I heard you were the one that played in important role of exposing Ulbricht as a traitor and saving my daughter. I am a man of honour and I will have to reward you accordingly. I will have you promoted to more than a prisoner and into the role of an 'allied officer.' You will become part of my retinue from now on and I am interested in hear more on the skeletons in the closet of this war." Having him in his retinue would allow him to observe more of that strange man. Donna heard Captain Dana's debriefing from a distance. She felt like avoiding people like how she used to. She had enough of the day found a stack of crates she can sleep on. The Gundam pilot undid the keffiyeh and made it into a blanket. "So war the war was a whole lie?" She asked herself before passing out. Instructor W found her after half an hour. "It was a rough day especially for her." He whispered as he left her alone. McNeil signalled the engineers to get started with finding salvage. "Aye Private." He replied. "We can't expect much though. Usually the insides of the best weapons are burned up." He got on a jeep himself to join the search after he disconnected. Tano surveyed the damages brought upon by his foe. He had a flash of memory on how he was fighting something similar during the battle in Luna. "Weren't they from Luna?" He thought. He went through the settings of the Anaconda to the footages of combat. He brought it back to the newest battle in memory. The enemy did looked strikingly similar to the ones he remembered in Luna. He searched to find records back to the Mobile Suit's first sortie and his guess was confirmed. Before the previous pilot was killed by the Uriel there were silhouettes of the Mobile Suits, matching the recent footage.