It wasn't long after Noel slipped into her coffee bliss that another person entered the room. She pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows to him in acknowledgement of his presence. Shortly after he took a seat, Noel noticed the two men by the cookies had shifted their focus from the snacks to the rest of the people in the room. One stayed back while the taller man came by to introduce himself. Noel's maroon lips stretched out into pained smile in response to his friendly introduction. [color=red]"Hey,"[/color] the brunette replied in her low, throaty voice. She reached out and shook his hand while sipping her coffee with the other. [color=red]"The name's Noel. It's a pleasure."[/color] Her raised brows and slight smile gave way to her amusement as she watched him bounce around the room. While the man who identified himself as Chester visually seemed a little older than her, Noel found his personality to be similar to that of her younger brother. Leaning back in her chair, she ran her fingers through her dark hair in amazement. The girl's pale blue eyes stayed fixed on him while he continued to make his rounds. It reminded her that she should go visit her hometown once this is over...Or maybe not. Her brother was kind of a little shit. Stretching, Noel stood up and made her way over to what was left of the cookies. Snickering was all she could do when she saw the state of the area. Crumbs littered the floor. And the table. And the men who had seemed to be the cause. If the potential of drugs wasn't deterrent enough to not eat the cookies, the crumbs sprinkled across them that probably flew from the men's mouths were. Despite the risks and the abysmal state of their appearance, she carefully slipped something sprinkled out from the bottom of the pile and hoped it had been spared from their manhandling. Instead of eating the cookie, the brunette examined it carefully. It appeared to be just a plain sugar cookie. Odd shape, but nothing threatening about the color, texture, or smell. Cautiously, she broke it in half, letting a few more crumbs fall to the floor. With a smirk, she made her way to the young, dark haired boy with glasses. [color=red]"Here."[/color] Noel said, handing one half to the quiet observer. [color=red]"We've come this far, why not take the plunge?"[/color] She leaned against the adjacent wooden table and shoved her half into her mouth. She didn't really want to take the risk on her own, so she dragged this poor boy into it too. She was hungry, hungover, and he came in after her, so she felt like she had the strongest connection with him. The treat was surprisingly good for something possibly poisonous. After everyone finished their introductions she decided to keep the conversation going. [color=red]"So,[/color] she started as she brushed crumbs off her skirt with both hands. [color=red]"How was everybody else's ride here? Mine was hell."[/color]