I made a duo thread with this and got some interest, so decided to make a separate one just in case first. Also I'll be gone a few days anyway so I did not want to start an OOC. [h3]Escaped Experiments (Title pending)[/h3] [b]Diary Entry 4256:[/b][i] My newest batch of test subjects have proven to be quite enjoyable. It is quite rare that I get such wonderful specimens that so readily proves to me my work has merit. They all express quite a variety of quirks, some more impressive than others, but the largest feat is that these particular experiments have managed to retain their intelligence. Imagine the possibilities! Biological weapons with personalities of their own, capable of intelligent thought and strategy, they would prove the perfect addition to my plans once I find a way to break them.[/i] [b]Diary Entry 4268:[/b] [i]I have perhaps made them too good, normal methods of control have proved ineffective, it is as if I have been cursed with unruly children which is something I am quite familiar with but unlike my family, they feel no great love for me. I did not want to use traditional mind control as it would stunt their imagination but I figured I had no choice; however, that also proved ineffective, I will need stronger measures if I am to bend them to my will.[/i] [i]I will need to transport them to one of my more advanced laboratories to finish the job. The possibilities I see are endless! Soon the world will be forced to recognize my talents and cater to my whims! No one will have the power to stand against my machinations![/i] [b]Diary Entry 4270:[/b] [i]An absolute disaster! The heavily armored transportation vehicle that was taking the specimens to one of my best labs met with an unforeseen accident. Some drunkard had a heart attack while driving a semi which overturned the vehicle and damaged the locks. By the time my operatives had arrived the experiments had already fled the vehicle and are now loose in Edge City! I will not be denied this breakthrough! I will hunt them down by any means necessary and bend them to my will on my pride as the doctor of this century![/i] [h3]Evil NPCs[/h3] [list] [*]Dr. Richter Veiss: The main villain who is a literal mad scientist who is unafraid of delving into the most unethical of practices for science and his own machinations. He is not alone in his schemes and actually has a sizable family to help further his goals. [*]Dr. Maria Veiss: The wife of Dr. Richter she can be a cruel mistress who enjoys the suffering of her experiments. A Sadist, at times she can seem much more evil than Dr. Richter who enjoys the scientific part of his experiments more than what his subjects feel. Still she is a mother and dotes on her children extensively. [*]Dr. Robert Veiss: 1st son of the evil doctors he is the head of his father's cybernetics division and believes in the advancement of humanity through machine integration. [*]Dr. Vicktor Veiss: 2nd son to the family, he is the head of the Mutagenics Department and works tirelessly to perfect his abominations. A fan of trial and error his laboratories are littered with failures that he will often discard or recycle their genetics for the next batch. [*]Pr. Talia Veiss: 1st daughter to the pair but third born, Talia holds a rather unique spot in the Family Tree. Instead of a doctor she is a professor and archeologist, her passion for the past and the secrets held within. Her interest is in magic and how to use the arts of old to aid her family, but because of her rather unique pursuits and seemingly unscientific interests she is not seen in as good a light as her brothers and yearns for the time she can prove her theories. [/list] [hider=Experiment Character Sheets] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Experiment Type:[/b] (How were you enhanced? Cybernetics, Mutagenics, Herbal remedies, etc) [b]Powers:[/b] (Be creative but I don't want anyway with god-like powers ya hear?) [b]Weaknesses:[/b] (Gotta be something for the evil doctor to take advantage of) [b]Bio:[/b] [/hider] [h3][b][color=darkgreen]Rules[/color][/b][/h3] [list] [*] No Godmodding for obvious reasons. There may be times when you are at odds with another character and you fight so try to make the fight enjoyable for all parties involved. [*] No matter what powers you have you are not invincible, if you fight stupidly expect your enemies to punish you for it. [*] Romance can happen, but of course lets make sure no kiddies accidentally stumble in on something that should not be there. If you really feel you need to do that kind of stuff, there is the marvelous little invention called the PM. I am not against romance in the slightest and can be a good way to add character development but be smart about it. [*] The Evil Mad Scientist of this roleplay, me has the final say in all matters. When I am not around I hope to find a co-gm that can take care of business if needed. [*] Go out there and make a awesome story! We want action, adventure, intrigue, suspense, romance, surprises, and so on. Shape the world a little bit yourself will ya and don't leave it all to me. [/list] Add your interest and speak up if you have any interest in being a CO-GM. See you out there.