[b]"I promise nothing."[/b] Karnage said in responds to Fitz comment about killing him. While it hasn't really crossed his mind, he was now considering it if proved to be useful. He heard the man search around and grow colder from the chattering of his teeth. Karnage didn't really notice the cold. He felt a breeze, sure, and maybe even some wetness, but he hardly felt cold. Though he guessed that it must be a cold climate for humans, which was nice to know. Gave him a sense of terrain and setting. Walking around a bit Karnage picked up some stones and tossed them around. He was checking his surroundings, hearing where the stones fell. He didn't exactly have echo location, but this way he could at least figure out if there was a cliff near him or not. It also got his arms and body moving, and hearing the rocks break apart when he threw them against the wall or ground gave him a small satisfaction knowing that he can at least throw stones pretty hard. Eventually Fitz made a comment that he was doing something gruesome. A whiff in the air and Karnage could smell the corpse he was messing with, and imagined that he was mutilating the dead to arm him. He never did find his weapons, so Karnage figured he'd have to improvise now. Walking over to the corpse Karnage didn't even bother to rip the arm off. He just lifted it by the legs and hefted the corpse over his shoulder. Unfortunately, Karnage needed to put more effort into it as the dead body had dead weight. Before swinging a human corpse was nothing to him, but now it was actually a bit of a strain. Not so much that he can't do it, just that it was harder than before. [b]"Do I look like the type of creature who cares about the sanctity of corpses? Now let us leave this place."[/b] The demon was fairly certain that he could hear the wind blowing through perhaps a crack or crevice not too far away. Given that he couldn't see it Karnage couldn't say for certain if the hole was big enough for him to go through, but at least with this corpse on hand he had some material to work with. Or a snack.