[center][img]http://i774.photobucket.com/albums/yy28/lyusha/saito.png[/img][h1]Drienuhn/Darien[/h1][/center] Drienuhn's long dark hair was loosely tied over one shoulder. He wore loose dark clothing, the kind that would easy to take off or sleep in comfortably. His handsome cold features were arranged in their usual indifference. Being called before their parents... How tedious. He didn't like it. He'd much rather be left to drink or watch a pretty demon dance. Now that was his idea of a good time. His dark sharp eyes showed not even a hint of amusement at the long uninteresting speech the attendant gave to introduce him. To his own sons. Idiot. Of course they knew all the titles and powers their own father lorded over. And they called him stupid. Letting out a small thinly veiled yawn, he brushed his dark hair over one ear, just letting the rest of it fall where it liked. His feet were bare and he lifted one foot, as if suddenly realizing he wasn't wearing shoes. Missing a bit of the first part of his father's speech, he looked up with a tilted brow when there was a small pause. What? Had he missed something important? By the look on the King's face he had. Hells Bells... Glancing over at his brothers, he rest on arm in the loose cloth of his yukata. Human? Drienuhn scowled. That sounded like too much work. Humans were stupid creatures, but they were always worried and buzzing about doing something useless. "Ah, learning..." his deep and sleepy voice was more than a mutter, "The most tedious of all mundane tasks..." Also something he had never bothered with. Reading was too frustrating. All those symbols like to rearrange themselves, flipping upside down and blurring together into an unrecognizable lump. What was the use of it? All that was enjoyable was to be seen and done, not wasted in reading about it. Or worse. Written about. "E-Exiled..." he looked a bit surprised, his usually sharp hooded eyes growing wide for once. That... was harsh, wasn't it? He looked to his brothers. And a curfew as well?! Glowering, he gritted his teeth and shifted his body so that his arms were crossed over his chest. Everything interesting, wine, shooting stars, fireworks, dancers, those all happened after the sun went down. And human laws as well? Why not send them to the center of the Earth then? That might be a better prison. "And marriage as well," he scoffed in disbelief. A nagging, whining, fish woman wife. Wonderful. Just what he always wanted. A warrant to go with his prison sentence. Or was it 'warren'? 'Warden'? What did it matter?! In the end it was just another person to tell him what to do and give him more tedious chores to attend to. Disgusting. How could Father grin at a time like this? Drienuhn at this point was too shocked and disgusted. He could hard even imagine what life would be like as a worm-skinned human. What in the Seven Hells was he going to do? Humans would make him try to read and go places. They'd make him [i]do[/i] things. And there would be hardly enough money to feast and drink wine. And what even was a human job? His head was starting to hurt... His father looked at them each, and he could hardly hide his contempt. Shaking his head, he rubbed her forehead. What a pain all of this was going to be. Bared from home. With hardly any money. To be mortal and have to take up a human job...go to human school... He would be sick, if it weren't so much effort. Looking up at the Queen, his last hope of maternal pity and someone to save him from the horrors that lay before them were gone. "Mother...please..." But no. She just added to the punishment. A box? What the Hellfire was that was suppose to do? Open it when he had a castle? Did worm brained humans even have castles? Rubbing his forehead, Drienuhn sighed heavily. Remember her? Oh yeah he would. Anyone the exact opposite of the Queen for his so called 'wife' would be great. Someone who left him alone would be nice. "I need... a drink," he sighed heavily, barely addible. The ivory carved out box, lavishly decorated with Arabic patterns, handed to him, the prince frowned. Drienuhn sighed once more, separating himself from his brothers. The elegant, lazy prince looked with indifference on his siblings. Often he was ignored, to some great relief, but this time he watched their reactions.