As Dor made his way down the stairs, he ran a hand through his hair making sure it wasn't too much of a mess. He may have just gotten out of bed but he didn't want to make it that obvious. He couldn't deny it could use a trim, much like his father had said. Still, after having cut nearly all of it off at the beginning of the summer to deal with the heat, it was nice to have it all back. He held back a belch, managing to keep it controlled and under his breath with his mouth closed. He was nearing the bottom floor when up ahead he saw Phoebe. Ah, Phoebe. Feisty, to the point, and apparently completely uninterested in him. What was it she had said? Something about not having any time for his stupid games. That was the nice of putting it anyway. And that was fine. There were plenty of other young witches at Salem keeping his attention after all. Still, Dor found that if he kept it to a minimum, she tolerated his presence if nothing else and they could often have good conversations on a variety of subjects. That said, he wouldn't mind in the slightest sneaking off to the gazebo with her... He quickened his pace in order to catch up to her just as she was left behind by her friend. "Phoebe! There you are! I was wondering if I'd even see you before we made it to school. I didn't see you cheering on Good in the tournament last night. You know everyone was invited to come watch..." He smiled at her. "But I guess it's not all that important. How was your summer?" He would walk along with her as they were both headed the same direction and see what she had to say.