As the introductions were made Rinn eyed the group that was to be his team for the remainder of his time in this new land. Several prominate figures stood out to Rinn, particularly the man in the elaborate armor made of dragons bones. He had heard of a land farther east than Valeria who's countrymen praised dragons as patrons but he had never seen any of those men in action. The woman in scantaly armor was actually someone that he knew, although not personally. The warriors of Arcania were well known to all Valerians as they were the closest country within the grasslands, tales the prowess with their blades were only overshadowed by their mysterious nature since they kept their borders closed to any outsiders. Before he could finished evaluating the rest of his team the man known as Cid began explaining the details of their mission traveling to one of the mountains in the region known as Lux Mau. During his briefing Cid asked if any of the assembled if they wished to lead the party. The thought crossed his mind that he would be the wisest option to lead since had lead military campagins prior to coming to Navire, but he instantly began debating weither he should or not. While he did have the experience there might be others better suited than him. Luckily his thoughts were interupted by an intruding paladin speaking of his troubles in obtaining mounts for the trip ahead. In a panic Rinn thought back to the portly shopkeep in the market and realized that he had sent the royal stock to Valeria without consulting any of the Navire hierarchy. When Cid spoke to him directly he was sure that he was going to recieve some punishment. [b]"M'lord, it was me that had the chocobo's released. Unfortunetly I do not have them with me. I had them sent to Valeria. The stock that I saw were mistreated and malnurished, beside the fact that most were young adolesent not yet ready to bear the weight required for riding. The only one that might have been able to be suited for riding was far too old..."[/b] It was with then that Rinn noticed the animosity between the moogle and the bandaged man that made Rinn decided on he previous thought. As he began to submit himself for the role as leader an elderly man among the assembled took to the role faster than Rinn. Almost defeatedly Rinn lowered his hand as he kicked himself for not speaking sooner. As the group was dismissed Rinn quickly left and followed in the direction that the others had traveled. Upon his arrival his eyes rested on Kojiro, Keeves, and a new face that had not been at the briefing. Something about Keeves began to rub Rinn the wrong way so he made the internal decision to keep an eye on the man. Coming to stand beside Koji Rinn began speaking in West Common taking a stab in the dark that he was from somewhere further west than he, [b]"This mission to the mountain seems far too easy of a job. There is something far more sinister at work here, do you not agree?"[/b]