"[color=00aeef]Ugh. Lu.[/color]" Verloren managed out between a small breath and a tired sigh. "[color=00aeef]Just... let me get up.[/color]" But the young man fumbled with his words, not even really noticing he had dropped onto the ground. He just kind of lays there for a few moments, slowly lifting a hand up to grab onto one of Lu's arms and give him a small tug. "[color=00aeef]I can do this. Just... give me a few minutes. It will be suspicious if you try to do it. I can at least pass it off as I am just really sick.[/color]" Ver was probably right about that, though. People outside of the village, he had been told, were not familiar with dragons like they were. And Lu still wasn't well versed in the ways of humans, either. Keeping that thought in mind, Ver stubbornly pushed himself up onto his knees and then onto his feet. It didn't take him as long as he thought it would, his willpower to find an actual bed suddenly hitting him upside the head like a sack of bricks. An actual pillow would be nice, with blankets. He did pack enough, but not enough for him to be surviving this poison. Ngh.