"But, you barely can walk." Lu replied as he took Ver's hand and try to help the taller boy to get up on his feet. "At least let me help you. Here, lean onto me." Lu carefully wrapped his left hand around Ver's waist, holding him still so the teen won't have to fall again. He also slung Ver's hand around his neck and let the boy leaned on him. They need to walk to the village, ask for help or..maybe a doctor. If they're lucky. They village would accept travelers, as they have a lot of merchants inside. With a bit of difficulty, Lu managed to walk and approached the village's gate, where some elder woman looked at them in panic. "Oh dear! You two looks horrible? Did you got attacked on your way here?" A woman in his forty ran to them and helped Verloren to walk. "He's a bit feverish, eh? We got a doctor in this village. And you can stay at my Inn until he recovered." How nice of her. She didn't even ask for their name, or what kind of people are they. She just went to help them and even offer a place to stay. Maybe this village won't be so bad after all. "Um, I think, he got poisoned. I tried to treat the fever but..it came back even worse in the morning." Lu explained while they walked to the Inn, not far from the gate. While they're getting inside, the woman led the boys into a vacant room with single bed. She helped to move Ver to lay on the bed, and then she went out. Lu heard her talking about medicinez and herbs, and he also could hear her argued with a man that doesn't agree with her decision to bring a complete strangers into the village. Well, that's true. They might be dangerous for anyone. But, in this condition, all Lu could worry about is Verloren.