[hider=Appearance] [img]http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/33/640x738_7210_Fenris_2d_fan_art_male_portrait_elf_fantasy_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Name[/b]- Saren "Bloodborn" Nixium [b]Gender[/b]- Male [b]Race[/b]- Elf [b]Personality[/b]- Despite the fact that his a member of the Ent'Huïn AND he has the genetic 'defect' for Blood Magic, Saren is not a cold or evil lad. Quite the opposite, he likes people and talking to people. Though he might not be the best at it. He tends to scare fellow elven off with his 'defect'. Never the less he's friendly, though not Naïve. But cross his line and you won't be allowed to tell the tale. He can be exceptionally brutal towards enemies. [b]Branch of Magic[/b]- [i]Blood magic[/i] - Blood magic is a mutated branch. The result of an unholy combination of Restoration and Necromancy. Blood magic can be gained, though through a rare genetic mutation one can be born with an extreme talent towards it. Blood magic can be used to manipulate one's own body to cross its limits. Jumping higher, slamming harder or make the blood boil with a lust for fighting. All at the price of the body. With blood magic, the body starts tearing itself appart with every movement. If it's used too long, the body can very well destroy itself. But it doesn't stop there. Uncontrolled use of Blood Magic can start syphoning someone else's life force and blood. Blood Magic is one of the gateway branches towards Dark Magic. [i]Pyromancy[/i] - The ability to control fire. The element least picked up by elves, due to it's destructive nature. Fire can be seen as 2 things. A source of light and warmth and comforth. It creates and soothes the mind. This subbranche is refered to as Creator Flames, because of the creating nature of fire. The other subbranch and the one Saren uses is the Cataclism subbranch. Where fire burns and breaks and destroys. A powerful force that may break rampart if the caster loses focus. [b]Weapons/Equipment[/b]- [hider=Sword] [img]http://www.darkknightarmoury.com/images/Category/medium/89.png[/img] He wields his sword with his right hand. [/hider] [hider=Staff] [img]http://www.thevikingstore.co.uk/ekmps/shops/thevikingstore1/images/larp-staff-of-the-arch-mage-%5B2%5D-859-p.jpg[/img] Sometimes he dual-wields his staff in dire situations. But most often he keeps it on his back, keeping his left hand free to cast spells. The staff is a simple iron staff to help him control the flames of his magic. [/hider] [b]Bio/History[/b]- Even before his birth, mages could tell Saren's mother she would bare a powerful child, with a great talent for magic. But they failed at noticing his fatal defect: a Blood Magic gene. During his birth, these defects became apparent. He consumed the life-force of his mother during his brith and she passed away. Trading her life for his. His father hated him for that, and delivered him as an orphan to the Ent'Huïn who took him in and trained him. Forging him in a weapon like all others in that order. [b]Other[/b]-