As most people started to make introductions and what not, Alexander merely looked away, daydreaming about various things. He was intending to ignore the others for now, but it seemed like some people had other plans. A cookie, or rather, half a cookie, was held out in front of him, returning his attention back to him. He turned his head to see a woman offering the half-cookie, saying, "[color=ed1c24]We've come this far, why not take the plunge?[/color]" Alexander merely stared at her for a brief second, then took the cookie from her. "[color=00aeef]Thanks,[/color]" Alexander said before taking a bite out of it. For some reason he had the impression he was being treated like a guinea pig, but the feeling faded quickly. Then the small talk began. "[color=00aeef]Mine was alright,[/color]" Alexander replied. "[color=00aeef]Well, if being blindfolded counts as 'alright'.[/color]"