"Much time has passed. How is the old war dog? Still bruising his disciples with that wooden practice sword of his?" That settled it, it was Lu Fau. No one who hadn’t been one of Gan Fang’s students would mention the wooden sword so casually. Yin gave his comrade a smile full of the razor-sharp teeth of a predator. Yin had spent hours practising to smile like a human, but the teeth always broke the illusion of friendliness. “Master is very well. He is below decks right now, meditating” Yin leaned closer and lowered his voice “Sleeping.” He straightened his back again and became aware of an almost uncomfortable heat. He looked down and saw the cup of tea and remembered. He’d been so caught up in meeting Lu Fau that he’d actually forgotten the tea. Well, he could be certain now that it wasn’t poisoned or tampered with in any way. Master Gan Fang would’ve beaten any such inclination out of his students at a very young age. He tasted it, and drew in lots of air at the same time to give the taste more depth. There was a definite taste of chamomile, which was used as a medicine for settling upset stomachs. Something else as well… Yin couldn’t identify it, but he was sure that if a fellow student of Gan Fang thought it would help then it surely would. He made a mental note of asking Lu Fau about the ingredients, for the return journey. He swallowed and let out a satisfied “aah”. Yes, a tea so good must help with his seasickness… Seasickness? Once again Yin became aware of something he’d forgotten. That the world was rocking and nothing stood still. He panicked and turned to the only aid he could find, the tea. In three big gulps he emptied the whole thing and then gasped for air. Tiny black spots danced in front of his eyes for a second and disappeared again. The fluid in his stomach actually helped, it felt warm, reassuring and strangely fitting, because it sloshed around just like the ship, it stayed still while the rest of the world was mad. He would’ve been alright if a wave from a passing ship hadn't struck the side of the ship at that exact moment. The calm zen-like nature of the tea inside Yin turned into a stormy nightmare, and the boat rocked more violently than before. While not a problem to most passengers, to Yin it felt like he was being turned upside down. His body reacted on instinct and let his legs give way. Yin found himself sitting on his ass with his back against the railing. Slowly he breathed in and out through his nose. It took all his concentration. “I’m not very good with ships and things…” He managed after a few seconds. “Some martial artist, huh? My greatest foe is floating wood.”