[h2]Izayoi City - [color=00aeef]Tommy Sparks[/color][/h2] Cliche cowboy western music and catchphrases squaked at Tommy as he racked up the points. The annoying cue ball gimmick always managed to get in the way of a perfect shot, but Tommy persevered. Well he did until he heard a voice behind him. "-my" Tommy ignored it, he'd just hit the double multiplier. "-ommy you nee-" [b][i]YEEEHAW! MULTIBALL... AWAY!"[/i][/b] the William Tell overture started screeching out of the old speakers and all of a sudden Tommy was juggling three balls at once. "TOMMY!" [color=00aeef]"WHAT, DEAN?!"[/color] the distraction caused him to lose a ball, "You can't have drinks in here, you have to leave." [color=00aeef]"It's not open, can you wait a minute? No one comes back here besides me anyway."[/color] "No, Tommy. You have to leave. My supervisor is here today, go hang out with your friends or something." Tommy almost lost his second ball. Mentally screaming in frustration Tommy gave up. [color=00aeef]"Fine, Dean... takeover for me."[/color] and with that Tommy scooped up his bag and raced under the tall guy's arms as he leaned over to do just that. [i]Now what? I like Dean, don't want him to lose his job since he seems to be the only one trying to keep that machine here.[/i] Stepping out once again into the summer heat Tommy grabbed his comparatively cool can and rested it against his cheek. [i]Can't go home yet. Barely managed to waste fifteen minutes![/i] Dropping his can back into his bag Tommy turned in the direction of his house and walked right into some guy dressed all in yellow for some reason. "Watch it girly!" [color=00aeef]"Why don't you watch it! Besides I'm not a girl!"[/color] "Well you're wearing an awful lot of heel for a guy!" [color=00aeef]"Well... well you're dressed in a lot of yellow for someone who, whooooo... ugh! You look like a banana! So get lost and go back to whatever planet you came from!"[/color] "Oooh! The little girl has some fight in her! C'mon then! Take a swing!" The weird banana-man spread his arms wide, giving Tommy a free shot. [color=00aeef]"Y'know what's great about being so short when you're so tall? I don't have to go far to do this!"[/color] Without any more warning Tommy sparta kicked the banana-man in the groin, making sure he felt the full force of Tommy's 'girly' heels. And without another word Tommy ran off away from the banana-man as fast as he could, shoving his way through the small crowd that had gathered. [color=00aeef]"I'm taking my free shot and running! I hope to never see you again!"[/color] "GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE B-!" whatever vulgar thing the banana-man was yelling was cut off by a car horn as Tommy ran across the road just as the lights changed red. Slowing down Tommy looked back and saw the banana-man still chasing him. A yell in shock and Tommy stumbled a bit before taking off like a bat out of hell, running surprisingly well since his shoes [i]did[/i] have a fair bit of heel on them. Weaving through the foot traffic Tommy could almost feel the man breathing down his neck. Rounding a corner and almost falling down Tommy launched into a mad dance to keep his footing. Taking another left down an alleyway Tommy ran through a maze of backstreets before bursting back out into the light of the main street next to the arcade. A few people seemed genuinely shocked that Tommy had done a loop to come back where he started. Breathing heavily Tommy looked around hoping to see a friend in the crowd, or at least not that yellow fool. Tommy saw a face he recognised and without a thought ran up to them. Hands on knees, plastic bag still in hand and gasping for breath, Tommy wheezed out, [color=00aeef]"Please!... Help! That lunatic dressed in yellow is still after me!"[/color] looking up Tommy saw that it was that shooter girl from before [i]Bugger! She barely passes for an acquaintance![/i]